The only fault in your post, child, is presuming I find fault with the truth. I even have admiration for a number of Nazi military commanders. If Hitler had gotten out of their way of his generals, instead trying to be master and commander tactician, Germany probably would have won WWII. Khan? Now, that was both a survivor, if you know his story and how he rose to power. And he was a warrior in the trust sense, extremely virile. So much so, research suggests that between 0.5 - 0.6 percent of the world's males carry his DNA. Now, that was a man! Rommel was brilliant. I think a lack of sufficient air support, having to butt heads with both Montgomery and Old Blood, and Guts, Patton both, and bad luck, wrecked him in North Africa. As for Lee, he had a lot of characteristics that, when you look past the presumptions, assumptions, and down right myths about him, he was not only a master tactician, but a darn fine human being. You see, unlike you and your ilk, I can move the curtain of arrogance aside and see the fuller picture, more than that, I can acknowledge what is true, despite any disdain I may have for things I disagree with. Your kind can never do that, you're too hate-infected.