Colorado Springs nightclub shooting

The thread topic.
I started the thread so I've posted most of my thoughts already. But I'm assuming that you mean the shooter identifying as non-binary in court documents. I don't think that changes anything as it stands now in regards to hate crime charges. LGBTQ+ is not a monolithic group; there are groups that are "LGB without the T", Terfs, super-feminist all dudes are evil groups, straight passing gay dudes aren't actually gay dudes groups, the list goes on and on. There are also witnesses that have come forward claiming the shooter often used slurs against gay men specifically and never identified as non-binary until charged. We will have to see what comes to light in the investigation.
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I started the thread so I've posted most of my thoughts already. But I'm assuming that you mean the shooter identifying as non-binary in court documents. I don't think that changes anything as it stands now in regards to hate crime charges. LGBTQ+ is not a monolithic group; there are groups that are "LGB without the T", Terfs, super-feminist all dudes are evil groups, straight passing gay dudes aren't actually gay dudes groups, the list goes on and on. There are also witnesses that have come forward claiming the shooter often used slurs against gay men specifically and never identified as non-binary until charged. We will have to see what comes to light in the investigation.
No you’re right, I was asking your thoughts about the new information on the shooter. Appreciate the detailed response.
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Sure, if that is your routine.
I don't post or comment daily (I'm not as active here as I used to be), so not my routine any longer. I did see that the Wal-Mart shooter in VA left a note that he thought he was being harassed and that his phone was hacked. That is about all I have seen regarding intent.

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