Columbus teen shot by police

Just took a look at most of the big MSM sites. This one doesn't have any legs yet. We'll see how it plays out.
Yeah...... radio here near Charlotte already portraying the Columbus shooting as a bad shoot..... talking about more work to be done after the chauvin verdict.
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Imagine if the police waited until a perp actually killed someone before using lethal force? It almost seems that's the direction we're headed in. People somehow seem less interested that another life was saved by taking down a violent offender.
It just seems like this could have been avoided, the officer wasn’t in harms way, couldn’t he have used a taser or shot her in the leg?
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It just seems like this could have been avoided, the officer wasn’t in harms way, couldn’t he have used a taser or shot her in the leg?
And if the taser didn't stop her from stabbing the intended victim? Or if an intended leg shot went wide and hit a bystander? Most cops aren't sharpshooters. They're taught center mass for a reason.

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