Columbus teen shot by police

And if the taser didn't stop her from stabbing the intended victim? Or if an intended leg shot went wide and hit a bystander? Most cops aren't sharpshooters. They're taught center mass for a reason.
No, if the taser hadn’t worked the outrage would’ve been why didn’t he shoot her. Just stupid people. That cop should be commended for his quick actions that saved a life.
No, if the taser hadn’t worked the outrage would’ve been why didn’t he shoot her. Just stupid people. That cop should be commended for his quick actions that saved a life.
Exactly. And I've seen people take a taser basically unfazed.
It just seems like this could have been avoided, the officer wasn’t in harms way, couldn’t he have used a taser or shot her in the leg?
GTFO with that she was brandishing a weapon and advancing on another individual clearly intent on stabbing her. If she hadn’t been doing that then she wouldn’t have been shot. And yes shooting her was a justified use of lethal force.
Film didn’t lie against Derek Chauvin and it doesn’t lie here either. In this case, there shouldn’t even be charges against the cop.
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Who would want to be a cop dealing with all these nutsies out there
Nation is full of them

I have a feeling there's going to be a bunch of them leaving the profession. It'll be like truck drivers, they cracked down on CDL drivers in the name of safety to where the good ones quit and what's on the road now (for the most part) are people who can't do anything else.
You don't know that. Tasers have been ineffective on people before. Had it been so in this case, the other girl could very well be dead. A life was in danger. The appropriate action was taken.
Tasers are for when someone is resisting arrest/detention but not immediately posing a deadly threat. Rearing back to plunge a large knife into someone definitely constitutes an immediate deadly threat.
I have a feeling there's going to be a bunch of them leaving the profession. It'll be like truck drivers, they cracked down on CDL drivers in the name of safety to where the good ones quit and what's on the road now (for the most part) are people who can't do anything else.
I would argue that many perpetrators of all sorts are already emboldened
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Police should have just stayed in their cars and let the rats kill each other or not responded at all.
That’s what’s going to start happening.
Yep. It's going to be a return to the wild west. When a nation loses law and order, the nation dies. America is on life support. Every pillar she was founded upon has been undone/destroyed. Human life has no value here anymore. God help us all.
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