I hope that the SEC does not add 16 teams this would be stupid and just way to many teams. Texas AM is an ok add, but if FSU and Clemson join the conference this could be the end of TN. With two Florida teams this locks down Florida even more in recruiting. With Clemson and South Carolinas recent success that locks down South Carolina. Missouri coming to the SEC that would be totally crazy. Come on SEC!!!
I hope that 14 is the highest the SEC goes and I hope that it is a team like Virginia, West Virginia, Louville, or NC State these teams widen the TV market and dont load the cards against TN to compete in the SEC. Chris Lowe on ESPN reported that the SEC does not want to bust up the ACC and will look at Big East Teams. I hope this is true
If 16 teams come the SEC rivalries like BAMA and TN would come to an end. The conference would be divided up into four team divisions for a grand total of four like: North East, South East and North West and South West.
Dont kill college Football SEC sometimes things are better off left alone, stop thinking about the all mighty dollar and think about this proud and tradition filed conference that is not any other conference in the country.