"Second, the United States permits Islamists to transform the country in a legal fashion. They never need to challenge the existing political order, but can achieve all their goals "without disturbing or violating the constitution of the U.S.A."48 Indeed, because that Constitution guarantees complete government neutrality toward religion, Siddiqi finds that the existing system can be used to further militant Islamic aims. Democratic means can be used to spread the message - for example, by developing a lobby, cultivating politicians, and electing Muslim representatives. Nearly a million legal immigrants arrive in the country each year, as well as many more through the long coastlines and porous land borders. Courts are an important vehicle.
Conversion to Islam is not just perfectly legal but happening in substantial numbers. These are advantages, it hardly needs stressing, that did not exist in Muhammad's Mecca or in any other society outside the contemporary West. . . . Muslims will find themselves not just enfranchised but actually running the show: with due representation in Congress and throughout American life, "they will be able to create a strong lobby in Washington for the promotion of Islam and its cause in this country as well as elsewhere in the world."52 . . . Siddiqi sees Islamists in power in Washington before 2020.54" [Quote from p. 121-2.]