Concerned about our QB situation!

Vol fans are concerned about everything, a very nervous bunch, you would be too if you had actually witnessed the "Sky Falling"
I'm a little concerned too. I saw most of the game and his passing wasn't too efficient, but there were some dropped passes too when the receivers were wide open. Give him a chance against Oregon and see what happens. If his efficiency doesn't improve against Oregon, change QB's going into the Florida game. Or do we wait until mid season?
I'm really concerned about our QB situation. I love Coach Jones and I'm sure Worley's a great kid BUT.....I don't think he's the long term answer. Yes, he can "manage" the offense and make the intermediate throw (although not very accurately)...but I seriously doubt he's going to be the playmaker that we need under center. His arm strength seems to be a serious issue, as does his ability to handle pressure in the pocket. I'm sure many may disagree and say "he's young, it takes time, yada yada...but I've seen too many young and inexperienced QBs make serious noise for their respective teams. I'm betting we have more "talent" waiting in the wings....even if they are "young and inexperienced" themselves. Go Vols!
I wonder who is better qualified to evaluate quarterbacks, you or Coach Jones and his quarterbacks coach? Tyler Bray in 3 years as high school qb passed for 7700 yards and 85 touchdowns. Justin Worley in 3 years passed for 13300 yards and 156 touchdowns. That's a 175% increase. 'Nuff said!
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I wonder who is better qualified to evaluate quarterbacks, you or Coach Jones and his quarterbacks coach? Tyler Bray in 3 years as high school qb passed for 7700 yards and 85 touchdowns. Justin Worley in 3 years passed for 13300 yards and 156 touchdowns. That's a 175% increase. 'Nuff said!

Ben Mauk threw for over 17,000 yards in high school, Corey Robinson threw for 91 TD passes in high school. You know what this means? High school stats mean absolutely nothing in college. I think CBJ decided to start Worley because he had the most experience out of all of our QB's and he doesn't want to burn Dobbs or RF's redshirts.
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I miss our beer bottle slingin' QB! Although, we bashed him at times, for every time he made a bad throw, he made ten good ones to counter. Oh well, have to lose something in order to appreciate it occasionally.

He was not lacking in talent, but lacked it between the ears, that mixed with inept coaching had him crippled from the start. That being said I'll take a smart kid with better coaching over that any day of the week. Bray only beat Ole Miss, Vandy and Kentucky no other SEC school in 3 years as a starter. Worley will have a better SEC record when all is said and done and those youngsters will get to sit and learn one will take a red shirt and that will begin our assembly line of talent. Year after year we can just plug and play and compete with the rest of the league again.
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I think CBJ decided to start Worley because he had the most experience out of all of our QB's and he doesn't want to burn Dobbs or RF's redshirts.

I think he's going with Worley because he believes it gives us the best chance to win...that may change after he's had more time to work with the other three but the coach went with the best available player at every position...why would he not play Dobbs or RF when he's already played a dozen other true freshmen? If playing them gave us a better chance to win, he would have them out there...he didn't recruit Worley and has no reason to be playing him if Worley wasn't the best available option at this time...Is Worley gonna be the next Manning? I seriously doubt it – he’s currently ranked right in the middle of the starting QBs in the SEC…hopefully we can have a strong running game that will give our QBs better coverages to throw against…
I wonder who is better qualified to evaluate quarterbacks, you or Coach Jones and his quarterbacks coach? Tyler Bray in 3 years as high school qb passed for 7700 yards and 85 touchdowns. Justin Worley in 3 years passed for 13300 yards and 156 touchdowns. That's a 175% increase. 'Nuff said!

Uh...bad mechanics (horrible throwing motion), and below average-low arm strength. To compare him to Bray...not even close. Worley played in a dink and dunk high percentage spread Offense in high school. Bray was a true stretch the field gun slinger.
as well as all the other young guys too because we are gonna get waxed anyway against just about everybody except Kentucky and the directional AL school.
Oh we might luck up and beat Mizzou or Vandy too, but I doubt we beat them both.

Idiot troll.
Homer fans like you that accept mediocrity are the ones that need to be replaced. Worley sucks b@lls and you could see that if you werent blind or in denial. We want to win so we don't sugar coat things like you sitting back there making excuses for a junior that obviously can't play in the sec.

Dirt ignorant and skunk mean hillbillies like you don't help the team win by spraying your stink all over everybody.
That's what I like about Worley, he doesn't make the big mistakes, at least evidenced by the spring and fall camps. (He had an exception INT yesterday, though I don't think that will be common.) I understand the argument that his underthrown passes will be taken advantage of but I have faith he'll correct that.

throwing up a prayer into double coverage in the redzone that results in a turnover isnt a big mistake? if that is against anyone who isnt AP or WKU, that is a big mistake. he panics everytime the pocket begins to collapse and just throws it up for grabs.
I have been waiting for him to make a clutch throw in a clutch moment. It has seemed to me that he has managed the game okay, but on a critical 3rd down with the momentum in the balance, he tended to put up uncatchable throws.
That changed for me with the third and long with WKU clawing their way back. The pass that he threw to Croom ( yes, the one Croom dropped) was perfectly placed right over the top of the defender who was positioned between Worley and Croom. He dropped in right over the DB and in Croom's basket.
That was a helluva touch pass under duress at what appeared at the time to be a pivotal point in the game.
And, further to his credit, he, and the offense as a whole, put on their big boy pants, put it behind them and came back out to dominate on the ensuing drive.
If we can combine dink and dunk with a steady dose of Lane and Neal, I'll take it. I'd much rather have sustained , time-consuming drives against Oregon than quick hit, risky finesse shots.
We cannot afford to get into a shootout with the ducks.
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, like most people on this site. Are you stupid enough to think that Jones and Bajakian would hesitate for one minute to play one of the others over Worley if he was better and more ready to play? Go back to your video games.
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Ben Mauk threw for over 17,000 yards in high school, Corey Robinson threw for 91 TD passes in high school. You know what this means? High school stats mean absolutely nothing in college. I think CBJ decided to start Worley because he had the most experience out of all of our QB's and he doesn't want to burn Dobbs or RF's redshirts.
How many times have you heard Butch say this?
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, like most people on this site. Are you stupid enough to think that Jones and Bajakian would hesitate for one minute to play one of the others over Worley if he was better and more ready to play? Go back to your video games.
Obviously, this weekend is going to tell us what we need to know about a lot of positions, especially the QB. I hope Worley continues to improve.
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How many times have you heard Butch say this?

coachspeak, imo. Any of the qb's could've won the last 2 games. It's a new staff, leaders, playbook, learning curve, etc, and there are 2 true freshmen on the bench and a rs freshman.
No doubt in my mind he knows Worley isn't the future, but he's not going to throw a true freshman out to start at Oregon on the road and risk crushing confidence while they are still trying to get acclimated from being off mom's teet and college life, much less football. He is after a game manager right now.
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You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, like most people on this site. Are you stupid enough to think that Jones and Bajakian would hesitate for one minute to play one of the others over Worley if he was better and more ready to play? Go back to your video games.

Amen! :toast:
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I realize and trust coach Jones judgement when he thinks that Worley is our best option at QB. But that just tells me how bad our QB situation is. I mean lets face it in a read option offense you need a QB that can run and throw. Worley cannot do either he has a noodle arm and is not fast either. He didn't keep the ball once in the game against WKU and how are you suppose to keep a defense honest when you never keep it. I hate sounding negative I just feel like we need a way better QB if we are to win in the SEC.

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