Concerned about our QB situation!

You watch the UGA game? They ran quite a few very similar running plays. Murray is not going to run the ball. You can run the ball out of a shotgun set without a running QB. You are vastly overstating that element of our plays. But, yes, a running QB does not hurt.

murray is much more of a runner than worley will ever be. and thats not a compliment of murray...just a fact
murray is much more of a runner than worley will ever be. and thats not a compliment of murray...just a fact

I am pretty sure UGA doesn't ask Murray to run. He has 11 official rushes in 2 games, and the college game counts sacks as a rush. Murray is not a runner. Now, if you are talking about who is better when they actually do run, then I would give Murray the nod.
Judging from all the passes that are thrown behind or short of open receivers....our current receivers must be pretty damn fast! Lol

Thank you for helping make my point. Some of those throws, especially the underthrows on go routes, are on Worley. But some of those throws that we you see as poor passes by Worley are actually the WR not running the correct depth on their route. Or not settling into the proper spot in the zone. Or not taking the right angle on their corner route. Etc. But continue your 'Xbox coaching analysis' and believe that the QB is the only piece of the puzzle involved in a pass play and every incompletion that does not hit a WR in the hands in the QB's mistake.
You can still be a VOL fan,enjoy each and every win, but still be able to point out concerns moving forward. Think about it...we're doing the same thing the coaches do after every game.

You, and so many others, don't appear to be enjoying anything about this season to this point.

And to think you have the football knowledge,experience and expertise to evaluate this team, even remotely, on the same level as our coaching staff is the stupidest thing I have ever seen on this board.

Please stop before you are damaged beyond all repair.
You, and so many others, don't appear to be enjoying anything about this season to this point.

And to think you have the football knowledge,experience and expertise to evaluate this team, even remotely, on the same level as our coaching staff is the stupidest thing I have ever seen on this board.

Please stop before you are damaged beyond all repair.

I enjoy watching every game. Haven't missed a snap since 1987...seriously. Maybe because of this...I can watch a game with a level headed approach and not get all giddy because we're 2-0! We gotta long way to go fella! I'm not's just where we are right now.
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Thank you for helping make my point. Some of those throws, especially the underthrows on go routes, are on Worley. But some of those throws that we you see as poor passes by Worley are actually the WR not running the correct depth on their route. Or not settling into the proper spot in the zone. Or not taking the right angle on their corner route. Etc. But continue your 'Xbox coaching analysis' and believe that the QB is the only piece of the puzzle involved in a pass play and every incompletion that does not hit a WR in the hands in the QB's mistake.

Ok...I will.
I'm really concerned about our QB situation. I love Coach Jones and I'm sure Worley's a great kid BUT.....I don't think he's the long term answer. Yes, he can "manage" the offense and make the intermediate throw (although not very accurately)...but I seriously doubt he's going to be the playmaker that we need under center. His arm strength seems to be a serious issue, as does his ability to handle pressure in the pocket. I'm sure many may disagree and say "he's young, it takes time, yada yada...but I've seen too many young and inexperienced QBs make serious noise for their respective teams. I'm betting we have more "talent" waiting in the wings....even if they are "young and inexperienced" themselves. Go Vols!

I trust CBJ. He knows more than you do.
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I enjoy watching every game. Haven't missed a snap since 1987...seriously. Maybe because of this...I can watch a game with a level headed approach and not get all giddy because we're 2-0! We gotta long way to go fella! I'm not's just where we are right now.

Haven't missed a snap in 26 years? Dude, I'm surprised you haven't been suicidal for the past 4 years if you take it that seriously.
I'm really not entirely sure what we can do at this point, whether the blame is on Worley or the young/inexperienced receiving corp. Let me clarify, I don't think there is anything we can do BEFORE the Oregon game. Short of working on timing, deep ball, and perhaps some reading drills (seems to me the read option could have been more effective if Worley would have run 1 or 2 just to remind the defense it was a read option). But even that's not gonna make Worley a different QB by next week.

I'm not saying he's horrendous or anything, just saying that if we want to believe we have a legitimate shot at Oregon, we need second half Worley in all 4 quarters. Repeat 1st half on the offensive side of the ball and Oregon will lead by a hefty amount going into the half. Lets face it, were probably not gonna get 5-6 TOs in the first half.

I think CBJ did what he thought was best, he played the player that was going to give us the best chance at winning based on what he's seen day in and day out. That being said, I was definitely surprised that we didn't see Peterman throw a few passes, just in case we need him in Eugene, he could get some reps with the 1st team. Didn't seem like Butch thought it was as close as a competition as he made it seem and that maybe he was using that as a tool to get Worley to give it his all. So well probably see 4 quarters of Worley next week, which to me is our only option (since no other QB have meaningful reps behind the 1st team line in a game)

I'm still wearing my orange tinted glasses and saying we may get our first upset in years against a pretty solid Oregon team. Not gonna be incredibly beat if we don't, but I definitely have a little hope we'll narrowly escape with the win.

Regardless of the outcome of next week, or even Florida week, we have a long, tough schedule ahead of us and I hope we continue to progress.

Sorry for the long post, I don't post often so I generally spill it out all at once.. Though I've actually posted twice today now.

Despite the bullcrap, we took the win in Week 2, grounded a high caliber coach who is full of himself, and showed some tremendous amount of intensity (is this trademarked by butch yet? Lol) on defense, sailing to a 52-20 win over WKU. It was a great day for Tennessee Football. Go Vols, bUTch!!
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worley is average in a good day.

he will not get us thru the SEC season.

Unfortunately, this is true. Worley just doesn't have what it takes to be good in the SEC. He knows the playbook, works hard, has a good attitude, but the boy just can't sling it well enough to be an impact player.

He also doesn't have that "4th quarter down by 5, 2 minute drill" scoring drive killer instinct.

In a word, he's flaccid.
i will be honest i skipped pages 2-7 of this thread so idk if this has been mentioned. i dont mind worley's lack of arm strength and inaccuracy as long as he makes good decisions. i mean obviously he is the best option or he wouldnt be playing. i just want to say i find it very disturbing that if the defense gets within 5 yards of him in the backfield he just throws up a prayer. this makes me really uncomfortable moving forward because quarterbacks tend to get pressured in the sec...just wanted to make sure im not the only one bothered by him throwing a prayer off of his back foot. that being said, if he is the best option (which i assume he is) so be it. he needs to man up a little and be willing to get hit when he makes a throw is what i am saying i guess.
Remember, the competition gets real tough beginning next week at Oregon. And many of the sec teams will expose any qb who doesn't have what it takes. If he is struggling during the heart of the sec campaign, it becomes clear that you need to seek another option.
While watching the warm ups yesterday at the game, it was clear that Peterman has the strongest arm as far as strength goes. Having said that, I think that Justin is the clear winner as of right now until he screws up majorly.

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