Congrats to Tony McDaniel

With grudge holding like this, maybe both should donate some of that big NFL money to Alabama instead of Tennessee. Or maybe even Vanderbilt. They'd more likely get a "Thank you" there than from UT haters who arrogantly claim or try to act like they've never done anything stupid in their lives.

what grudge ? somebody's jaw got broke,an unwanted sex act happened,so it is ok ?maybe they should put a little more into the VFL program.don't you think ?
what grudge ? somebody's jaw got broke,an unwanted sex act happened,so it is ok ?maybe they should put a little more into the VFL program.don't you think ?

Your forum name indicates the stubborn manner of thinking. But I'm going to try to communicate with you anyway. But admit my idea of humor probably won't carry over well with you.

Broken jaw -- sounds like he'd have made an ideal candidate for being one of those hoodlum cops that abuse their power.

Unwanted sex act - Does that rule apply to our Volgod, Peyton?

My point is holding on to a long past misdeed, stupid acts, and such committed in youth. All while ignoring or even bothering to find out if the offender changed his ways for the better. And insisting on hating him for all perpetuity. If he still engages in such behavior, I say sic one o those hoodlum cops on him-off camera-and be done with it. But all I see here is people eager to drag up long past behavior, literally hunting for a reason hate on a player. And yes, it's nothing but a grudge.

Here's the difference betwit the twain of us, govmule. All through elementary and middle school, I had a bully who made my life hell. Really big, strong, and fast kid. One day, I got fed up. He had to pass my home on the way to his. I arrived home, got a poker and waited for him. When he came by I went out and said hello then proceeded to beat the living hell out him with that poker. Of course he swore to get me back. I just told him and I you, but you don't know when or from what direction I'll come. We grew up hating each other but steering clear of each other. Years later, I visited my hometown. In a parking lot, I saw a guy trying help some lady move her disabled car. Found out he was trying to get it to a nearby shop. To make a long story short, I joined him and we braved 35mph traffic to get that car onto the shop's premises. Exchanged names as we didn't recognize each other not having seen each other for decades. Gasp! You're. . . .! Shook hands, went back to the store, chatting. Ended up sitting on the curb catching up on what we had done, gone, etc all these years. What about the bullying, poker beating, and hating? Didn't come up. Now and then, I see him when I go back home and we stop and talk a bit. But if he was the same bullying jackass of the past, that wouldn't happen. If I was the same unforgiving jackass of the past, that wouldn't happen. You can grudgingly hang on to a wrong or move past it. Clearly, you and so many like you can't move on. And I pity you, especially when you stand before the final Judge when the time comes.
Ironic that this thread and the "jaw dropping stats" are back to back at the moment.

McDaniel should be in jail. Mamed a guy with a sucker punch.
I think saying it was a broken jaw minimalizes what actually happened. I'm not even sure his jaw was broken. I am sure that his face was broken.

I, like others, saw the security footage and I assure you this was not a typical fight gone wrong or something else that can be chalked up to a youthful mistake.

McDaniel reared back and cold cocked the guy when he wasn't looking. Smashed his face in with one punch. Then he just casually walked off to possibly leave the guy there to die.

And as far as looking to see if he changed his ways, it seems like violence is still a part of his life as of 2010, as he was charged with domestic battery of his then girlfriend.
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I think saying it was a broken jaw minimalizes what actually happened. I'm not even sure his jaw was broken. I am sure that his face was broken.

I, like others, saw the security footage and I assure you this was not a typical fight gone wrong or something else that can be chalked up to a youthful mistake.

McDaniel reared back and cold cocked the guy when he wasn't looking. Smashed his face in with one punch. Then he just casually walked off to possibly leave the guy there to die.

And as far as looking to see if he changed his ways, it seems like violence is still a part of his life as of 2010, as he was charged with domestic battery of his then girlfriend.

Qualifying statement 1: If he's beating his woman, I want no part of him either. It'd not just say he hasn't changed his ways but gotten worse.

Qualifying statement 2: It doesn't change what I said above, but let me tell you what too many domestic battery cases that I have seen details on in KY and to some extent in California and Nevada.

The woman starts a dispute. It escalates. The guy literally tries to leave the premises which can be home, at a restaurant, work or anywhere. The woman blocks his path, even assaults him. Eventually the pummeling and face scratching gets so bad he tries to restrain her. When cops get called, he's automatically the perpetuator, cuffed, jailed, and convicted, mainly on her word.

There was even a case where a jealous dumped ex-girlfriend broke into a guy's house, damaged windows and furniture. Friends called to tell him. He rushed home and attempted to exit the girl. She kept throwing things at the house and reentering via the broken sliding door to continue her assault and destructive invasion. The guy was put in jail with the report saying he had broken into HER house and assaulted her. The girl went around bragging about this. I think the friends showed up in court to set it straight but he still had to pay a fine, have a record on file for assault and battery, and of course pay his house damages. Girl gets off with just a restraining order on her.

Point? When it comes to domestic battery cases today, I resent guys who lay hands on a woman. BUT I also prefer to know the whole story after seeing what I've seen as witness and as a court observer. And less hasty to judge the guy so accused. More and more women are taking advantage to the biased court system in this age of man bashing.

So while this guy did a past wrong I wouldn't hate on him for it years and years later. But if he has continued to be the same and PROOF exists as opposed to orchestrated proof, I think he deserves to be vilified.

Just a years ago at a mall a guy was attacked by his girlfriend. Three guys rushed to help her. Another woman who had been standing nearby who proved to be his sister, kicked and yelled for the guys to get off him. When they did, she turned around and laid girlfriend out with one of the most classic uppercuts I've ever seen. The problem? Guy and girl were discussing car preferences. He mentioned he preferred 4-door sedans as opposed to racier cars she liked. Offended at this, she started yelling and hitting him. The three guys thought obviously he had done something to her. Last scene was his sister grabbing his arm and telling him she'd told him often before to dump the crazy beetch. Those kinds of fem-things are out there, giving real women a bad name and rep. They're out there.
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Ironic that this thread and the "jaw dropping stats" are back to back at the moment.

McDaniel should be in jail. Mamed a guy with a sucker punch.

True. But most of the Posters on here forgive Leonard Little for killing another person, so What McDaniel did was really nothing.
Everyone has things in their past they are not proud happened. Only a self righteous richard would keep throwing it in their face.

Are you forgetting that little was arrested again a couple of years later for drunk driving? He obviously didn't have any remorse.

If it was your wife or mother, you might feel differently.
Are you forgetting that little was arrested again a couple of years later for drunk driving? He obviously didn't have any remorse.

If it was your wife or mother, you might feel differently.

It wasn't so I am not making it personal on a message board. I don't know their hearts and neither do the keyboard judges. I would not want to be judged eternally for something I did foolish in college. This is a congratulations thread to Tony McDaniel and not a dredge up every indiscretion of former players thread.
Are you forgetting that little was arrested again a couple of years later for drunk driving? He obviously didn't have any remorse.

If it was your wife or mother, you might feel differently.

Yea....sounds like he had no remorse at all

"A few weeks later, I tried to kill myself..... I had gone back home to my mom's house outside Knoxville, and the first thing I did was just go down in her basement. It had no windows, just a bathroom, a sink and a television. I stayed in the dark for days. All I did was cry. I couldn't deal with what I'd done."
His mother could see the pain eating away at him. His mother made him go see a psychologist in Knoxville. He saw her four or five days a week. One day in broad daylight as he was driving a little rental Toyota on his way home from the psychologist's office, still unable to shed the guilt, Little stared at the tall trees that lined both sides of the highway.
"It was like I was in one of those movies where the good angel is on one shoulder and the bad one's on the other," he said. "Well the bad one kept telling me, 'Just go ahead Leonard, turn the wheel. It'll be easy. Crash into those trees and all this pain will be over.'"
As Little talked, he held his hands out in front of him like he was driving.
"I actually did turn the wheel," he said. "I did it. I tried to end my life. I swerved the steering wheel. But like I said, I guess there was a good angel on my other shoulder, because just as soon as I swerved, I turned the wheel right back."
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Are you forgetting that little was arrested again a couple of years later for drunk driving? He obviously didn't have any remorse.

If it was your wife or mother, you might feel differently.

I will admit that my opinion on Little is biased since he happens to be one of my all time favorites, but people make mistakes. Perhaps you are one of the truly blessed individuals that learned their lesson after one mistake, or you are perfect and never screwed up in your life. The fact is it's really easy to stand back and judge people's mistakes. For you to pass judgement on Leonard's guilt or lack of guilt is really stupid. Were you in his skin? Do you know what he was going through at that time? Was he dealing with addiction? These are only things he could answer. For you to presume he felt no remorse for what he did makes you a holier than thou judgmental fool.

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