Congress Criminal Referral Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Strzok, and Page to DOJ

Read into this what you will.

I say it’s an outright condemnation of what actually happened in the 2016 election

And it's likely tied into the Hatch Act. Imagine, if politicians could always be in campaign mode, they'd be untouchable.
The military has decided it can court martial retirees, so drag Obama's ass back and impeach him if any linkage can be proven. It could really be fun if presidents could be tried for offenses they committed or allowed to be committed ... it might look like how things work out for Illinois governors.
The only way that Obummer can be stripped of the presidency, is by treason. He would be stripped, arrested, and thrown in prison. There a talk about it.

I'd almost bet any lawyer would have recommended what Flynn's original lawyers did - the guilty plea - because they wouldn't have had available what was later discovered about FBI misconduct. But if it takes throwing a lawyer under the bus, to get a better deal now that the facts are out, why not. The real shame though is that the courts don't just accept the facts of the FBI misconduct, recognize that someone had been railroaded, rescind the whole mess, and clean the slate. It wouldn't be popular, but if I were the judge, I'd be asking why the FBI goons and the prosecutors weren't sitting in front of me explaining their actions and whether the prosecutors knew or chose not to know. I'd also be making quite clear that the thing about lying to the FBI was in grave jeopardy if not on the chopping block.

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