Comey has already offered to testify before the committee publicly under oath, but nooooo.....they don't want that. They want it behind closed doors so they can control the spin and leaks.
Comey has already offered to testify before the committee publicly under oath, but nooooo.....they don't want that. They want it behind closed doors so they can control the spin and leaks.
Comey has already offered to testify before the committee publicly under oath, but nooooo.....they don't want that. They want it behind closed doors so they can control the spin and leaks.
Comey has already offered to testify before the committee publicly under oath, but nooooo.....they don't want that. They want it behind closed doors so they can control the spin and leaks.
It's really more of a partnership. Why do you think Fox News people were on the campaign trail, well.....not just the trail but actually on the podium?
It's really more of a partnership. Why do you think Fox News people were on the campaign trail, well.....not just the trail but actually on the podium?
It's really more of a partnership. Why do you think Fox News people were on the campaign trail, well.....not just the trail but actually on the podium?
It’s cute how you all talk about one network pushing for the right and ignore all the rest that push the lefts agendas . It’s almost like your biased .
It’s cute how you all talk about one network pushing for the right and ignore all the rest that push the lefts agendas . It’s almost like your biased .