Cordarrelle Patterson Highlights

easy now don't cry about it...

Cry about it? LOL! You are the one asking why a player would wanna play for UT. If you are clowning around thats cool, but if you honestly dont know the answer to that then you have no clue what its like to LOVE the ORANGE!

On his initial impressions of Patterson …

“I like him a lot. His length, his catching ability. And he has a better knowledge of the passing game than we expected. We feel like we can do a lot with him. We’re impressed, very impressed.

On whether Patterson will be eased into things with Jennings and Jerome Simpson able to supply big-play potential as well …

“That is the plan. We don’t want give him too much early. We want to make sure we do enough to get him on the field and really go to his strengths. There are some things that we have in mind. But everything that I’ve seen, we’ll be able to utilize his talents. He’s a gifted young man.”

On how he’ll factor in on special teams …

“We’re going to look at him primarily as a kick returner. He’s done some punt return but that’s not where we’re going to be looking at him primarily.”


On Patterson’s potential

“He’s gotten off to a great start. From what I’ve been able to see and from what I’ve shared with him, he’s a great kid. He’s working hard. He’s getting better every day. And again, that’s all you can ask for from a young guy coming in. I don’t really care for calling him a rookie. Because he’s going to have to grow up pretty fast. He’s going to be a player, a playmaker on this team. And we need him to be that playmaker as soon as possible.”

On how Jennings can help his development …

“Just being there every day and answering questions that he may have. Making sure it’s not all criticism. Being constructive about it. But at the same time, letting him know when he’s doing things right and letting him know that I’m watching him so I can get better as well. So it’s not just a one-way street. I’m not just watching him to tell him what he can do better. I’m watching him to see what I can add to my game as well. You definitely can see the talent that’s there. It’s raw. You can tell that he’s a guy that’s been just gifted and just better than most that he’s gone up against.”

On delivering tips on crisp route running …

“My senior year in college [at Western Michigan] I had a coach by the name of George McDonald. And he emphasized being detailed. Detail your work. Detail your work. Detail your work. Every day it was detail your work, detail your work. And everything I did was never good enough. But he created a mindset to where I never was satisfied. And I felt like I had a pretty decent work ethic. But when you hear someone constantly not rip you or jump on you but simply say ‘Details, details, details,’ consciously you become cognizant of everything you’re doing. So I’ve tried to share that, those little snippets with CP now. Just, ‘All eyes are on you. I’m watching you. I’m watching you.’ So he knows that somebody is looking at him, so I have to make this perfect. Or get it as close to perfect as possible. It’s not always going to be perfect. I’m not perfect. No one in this organization is perfect. … But if we all get as close to perfection as possible, that’s when special things happen.”


On whether Patterson is up to speed in learning the system …

“He’s learning football as expected. He’s not a guy that you look at that’s behind on things. He’s sharp. He always comes and talks through things. Jarius Wright does a good job of staying with him. He always comes to my ear and asks questions. He’s very inquisitive, which I like. He’s picking up things extremely well.”
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On his initial impressions of Patterson …

“I like him a lot. His length, his catching ability. And he has a better knowledge of the passing game than we expected. We feel like we can do a lot with him. We’re impressed, very impressed.

On whether Patterson will be eased into things with Jennings and Jerome Simpson able to supply big-play potential as well …

“That is the plan. We don’t want give him too much early. We want to make sure we do enough to get him on the field and really go to his strengths. There are some things that we have in mind. But everything that I’ve seen, we’ll be able to utilize his talents. He’s a gifted young man.”

On how he’ll factor in on special teams …

“We’re going to look at him primarily as a kick returner. He’s done some punt return but that’s not where we’re going to be looking at him primarily.”


On Patterson’s potential

“He’s gotten off to a great start. From what I’ve been able to see and from what I’ve shared with him, he’s a great kid. He’s working hard. He’s getting better every day. And again, that’s all you can ask for from a young guy coming in. I don’t really care for calling him a rookie. Because he’s going to have to grow up pretty fast. He’s going to be a player, a playmaker on this team. And we need him to be that playmaker as soon as possible.”

On how Jennings can help his development …

“Just being there every day and answering questions that he may have. Making sure it’s not all criticism. Being constructive about it. But at the same time, letting him know when he’s doing things right and letting him know that I’m watching him so I can get better as well. So it’s not just a one-way street. I’m not just watching him to tell him what he can do better. I’m watching him to see what I can add to my game as well. You definitely can see the talent that’s there. It’s raw. You can tell that he’s a guy that’s been just gifted and just better than most that he’s gone up against.”

On delivering tips on crisp route running …

“My senior year in college [at Western Michigan] I had a coach by the name of George McDonald. And he emphasized being detailed. Detail your work. Detail your work. Detail your work. Every day it was detail your work, detail your work. And everything I did was never good enough. But he created a mindset to where I never was satisfied. And I felt like I had a pretty decent work ethic. But when you hear someone constantly not rip you or jump on you but simply say ‘Details, details, details,’ consciously you become cognizant of everything you’re doing. So I’ve tried to share that, those little snippets with CP now. Just, ‘All eyes are on you. I’m watching you. I’m watching you.’ So he knows that somebody is looking at him, so I have to make this perfect. Or get it as close to perfect as possible. It’s not always going to be perfect. I’m not perfect. No one in this organization is perfect. … But if we all get as close to perfection as possible, that’s when special things happen.”


On whether Patterson is up to speed in learning the system …

“He’s learning football as expected. He’s not a guy that you look at that’s behind on things. He’s sharp. He always comes and talks through things. Jarius Wright does a good job of staying with him. He always comes to my ear and asks questions. He’s very inquisitive, which I like. He’s picking up things extremely well.”

We miss you CP!!!
Gonna miss Cordarrelle " Crazy-Legs" Patterson! Looking forward to seeing Justin Hunter playing for my Titans as well...when he gets all healed up. Watching this video reminded me just how silly he made so many great defenders look as they were falling in all directions as he jukes and cuts down the field.:)
Patterson still has very much to contribute to the Vols. every time his college highlight clips get played this year on t.v. every time he says "The University of Tennessee" in player intros. every time he comes back to campus for a visit, etc. his success can only help the UT brand.
We all did lol. I was there too. Wish he would have stayed one more year but he'll be fun to watch on Sundays.

i did too until the Ga St game. every play that our defense played just frightened me more and more. going into the UF game, i had hoped it was just an anomole(sp).
What a shame and what a waste. CP is a once in a lifetime type of player. If he would have contributed for 3-4 years he would be held with the likes of Manning, Berry, and White.

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