ESPN just published a lengthy article (
What if Peyton Manning and Tom Brady had traded places - ESPN) which explores this hypothetical question: "How would NFL history have been different if Manning had gone to the Patriots and Brady had worn a Colts jersey before a rebirth in Denver?" The author, Greg Garber, does not take a definitive stance but does present the perspectives of "more than a dozen NFL aficionados, including a two-time Super Bowl coach, a Heisman Trophy winner, a pair of Hall of Famers plus former teammates and league officials and analysts."
Understandably, some responses were provided on the condition of anonymity while others went on record with clearcut opinions. Some of the most interesting perspectives include the following:
Ty Law, who played with Brady for five years, stated: "In the beginning, we weren't expecting Tom to play well. The defense just told him, 'We got this. Just don't turn the damn ball over.' I think if Tom's on the other side, we would have shown him what defense was. Peyton would have more support on our team and that would have leveled the playing field. We had so many leaders, particularly on defense. Tom didn't have that pressure to lead. On our team, Peyton would have relaxed a little bit more."
One emphatic, but anonymous, observer concluded, "Peyton the Patriot gets five Super Bowls rings. Four at the worst, six at best. Brady maybe doesn't get any without Belichick." "Wrong," said another. "Brady doesn't throw four picks in the 2003 championship game. The Colts win with him in there. Give them both two rings. Hey, maybe Brady gets three if he beats the Saints in the Super Bowl."
One panel member wondered, "What's the count right now, Brady three, Manning one? I'd say it would be exactly the opposite."
In any event, enjoy the article and let the debate commence yet again.