Could we be headed for global chaos? Significant fuel shortages? Severe food shortages?


Tractor Supply Chicken Feed Reportedly Causing Egglaying to Stop, Board has Ties to WEF, Jeffrey Epstein

Online claims have emerged, corroborated by others, that the popular “Producer’s Pride” chicken feed sold by the Tractor Supply chain has been recently altered and that its new formulation is causing chickens to stop laying eggs. Some suggest a deliberate reduction in the amount of protein in the feed may be causing the reduction in egg production.

someone just posted in the "What I'm Mad about Today" forum a clip of a lady saying her hens had stopped laying and she switched to goat feed and presto.
Hummmm, my wife’s chickens have only laid one egg in three months, thought it was their age, molting and the short winter sunlight hours
The source in that story also appears to believe in chemtrails. Good stuff

First of all how are you sure there is no such thing as chemtrails? What clearance do you have to know? Think how many other crazy conspiracies have shown to be true after all. If tomorrow it turned out chemtrails was in fact a thing, I would not have much shock face left to give. With that said that is completely immaterial. It's also why you don't seem to grasp how to rationally look through such articles, her views or the authors views on chemtrails is noise, it has nothing to do with what is being discussed.. You're only focused on narrative and what team someone waves their flag for. The SOURCE of the article, is in fact someone who raises chickens, they were using the most popular feed and got no eggs, they changed the feed and viola they got eggs again. Whether this was an accident or on purpose remains to be seen. They could beleive in Martians and/or prison colonies on Mars and it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference to the article. But when your mind has been trained to believe in resorting to personal attacks, and political correctness first, and facts and reason last I guess that's lost on you. If no other person raising chickens notices this, then it means nothing, if it turns out (and judging by the buzz it seems to) other people raising chickens experience the same thing then it doesn't matter what other idiocy or fact they beleive....only that the facts of the feed and eggs is true. She could be dumb enough to think Biden won the popular election and it wouldn't change the chicken and egg situation in the slightest.
First of all how are you sure there is no such thing as chemtrails? What clearance do you have to know? Think how many other crazy conspiracies have shown to be true after all. If tomorrow it turned out chemtrails was in fact a thing, I would not have much shock face left to give. With that said that is completely immaterial. It's also why you don't seem to grasp how to rationally look through such articles, her views or the authors views on chemtrails is noise, it has nothing to do with what is being discussed.. You're only focused on narrative and what team someone waves their flag for. The SOURCE of the article, is in fact someone who raises chickens, they were using the most popular feed and got no eggs, they changed the feed and viola they got eggs again. Whether this was an accident or on purpose remains to be seen. They could beleive in Martians and/or prison colonies on Mars and it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference to the article. But when your mind has been trained to believe in resorting to personal attacks, and political correctness first, and facts and reason last I guess that's lost on you. If no other person raising chickens notices this, then it means nothing, if it turns out (and judging by the buzz it seems to) other people raising chickens experience the same thing then it doesn't matter what other idiocy or fact they beleive....only that the facts of the feed and eggs is true. She could be dumb enough to think Biden won the popular election and it wouldn't change the chicken and egg situation in the slightest.
Yeah you nailed it. I'm known to struggle with rational thought and default to party politics. If you start talking numbers, economics, logistics, etc you may lose me altogether


Someone believing in that mess is just looking for it. Facts be damned since it could happen
Yeah you nailed it. I'm known to struggle with rational thought and default to party politics. If you start talking numbers, economics, logistics, etc you may lose me altogether


Someone believing in that mess is just looking for it. Facts be damned since it could happen

Do you raise chickens? Do you try different feed with chickens? No? Then yeah they're the expert and you are not. And you do struggle with the ability to read and listen, and a lack of humility. If I want to know about chickens I'm gonna trust the farmer who raises them. Not the know it all that hyper focuses on dumb crap like this, who is absolutely sure they got it all worked out.
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More chemtrail fanatics!

He should quickly change over to State approved Chicken Feeds, and accept climate change as the answer, and ask for government subsidies and embrace no egg privlages, or be labeled tin foil hat. 2+2 equals 5 Winston!
Do you raise chickens? Do you try different feed with chickens? No? Then yeah they're the expert and you are not. And you do struggle with the ability to read and listen, and a lack of humility. If I want to know about chickens I'm gonna trust the farmer who raises them. Not the know it all that hyper focuses on dumb crap like this, who is absolutely sure they got it all worked out.
They're an anecdote not an expert. The claim being made requires a bit more than a few twitter randos claiming it

I have family who raise chickens though
I have chickens, and have fed them Producers Pride (Rural King) within the last month or so. Feeding them country Road right now, and they seemed to have laid fine eating both. I'll try the producers pride again in a month or two just to see if this has legs. I'm covered up with eggs right now anyways. These are the best laying chickens I have ever had, bar none. Rhode Island Reds and Cinnamon Queens. Got them at....yep.....Tractor Supply last spring. I do feed mine both scratch grains and laying pellets.
I have chickens, and have fed them Producers Pride (Rural King) within the last month or so. Feeding them country Road right now, and they seemed to have laid fine eating both. I'll try the producers pride again in a month or two just to see if this has legs. I'm covered up with eggs right now anyways. These are the best laying chickens I have ever had, bar none. Rhode Island Reds and Cinnamon Queens. Got them at....yep.....Tractor Supply last spring. I do feed mine both scratch grains and laying pellets.
Pfft. You're no conspiracy prophet
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I have family who raise chickens though

Great...see if they can split the chickens and given them the feed in question, and the other the goat feed and get back to us with the results of the two groups, until then their direct experience is more valuable then your distrust of what handle they use. And as for "Conspiracy prophet" making fun of that right now is kinda risky considering the batting average of the conspiracy people is leapd and bounds better right now then people who trust CNN. If you can have your family run that test that would in fact be interesting.

Me I'm gonna check in with the lady I know who raises green eggs organically and see if I can get a dozen...while people armchair about what is and isn't happening. If she beleives in Aliens and chemtrails I'm still going to buy her eggs. I might just hear what she has to say on those topics too....cause those eggs are REALLY tasty.
Do you raise chickens? Do you try different feed with chickens? No? Then yeah they're the expert and you are not. And you do struggle with the ability to read and listen, and a lack of humility. If I want to know about chickens I'm gonna trust the farmer who raises them. Not the know it all that hyper focuses on dumb crap like this, who is absolutely sure they got it all worked out.

There has been such a thing as cloud seeding around for over a century now. That is generally small and local, and as far as I know rarely if ever used anymore. Just off the top of my head, I think the chem trails that people are seeing are often just condensation in the form of ice crystals from the hot jet exhaust and cold air the jet if flying in. At 30 thousand feet the temperature even in the summer would be near zero or below zero. Sometimes they evaporate quickly, sometimes the would likely linger in the form of "trails" if the upper atmosphere is moist enough.
I have chickens, and have fed them Producers Pride (Rural King) within the last month or so. Feeding them country Road right now, and they seemed to have laid fine eating both. I'll try the producers pride again in a month or two just to see if this has legs. I'm covered up with eggs right now anyways. These are the best laying chickens I have ever had, bar none. Rhode Island Reds and Cinnamon Queens. Got them at....yep.....Tractor Supply last spring. I do feed mine both scratch grains and laying pellets.
If you've been using the same feed without issue, it sounds more like a bad batch.....I'm going to assume that as much producers pride as is sold it has quite a few sources?
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There has been such a thing as cloud seeding around for over a century now. That is generally small and local, and as far as I know rarely if ever used anymore. Just off the top of my head, I think the chem trails that people are seeing are often just condensation in the form of ice crystals from the hot jet exhaust and cold air the jet if flying in. At 30 thousand feet the temperature even in the summer would be near zero or below zero. Sometimes they evaporate quickly, sometimes the would likely linger in the form of "trails" if the upper atmosphere is moist enough.

I actually agree with all of that. I just don't know what it has to do with the "price of eggs in china" in terms of these reports. I never believed in chemtrail stuff that much myself. I did know an airforce guy who flew planes who swore to me it was a thing though. It's not in my wheelhouse. and if it is happening I think condensation is still likely 90%.....with that said several of the Eco warrior tycoon types did in fact float an idea of releasing reflective material etc which sounded like a well intentioned nightmare so....who knows.
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I would say that is correct.
Wish those twitter users stated which geographical area they are in. far from Chattanooga are you? You selling eggs now? :D I got a cow guy, but my chicken lady is overbooked and all the way in mont eagle. Love me some fresh local eggs. She has these green eggs which I didn't know were actually a thing outside of Dr Seuss, but they are a thing and the best damned eggs I have ever tasted.
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Wish those twitter users stated which geographical area they are in. far from Chattanooga are you? You selling eggs now? :D I got a cow guy, but my chicken lady is overbooked and all the way in mont eagle. Love me some fresh local eggs. She has these green eggs which I didn't know were actually a thing outside of Dr Seuss, but they are a thing and the best damned eggs I have ever tasted.

You need a Butter and Egg Man named Mr Hedricks

Kate Upton and Jennifer Lawrence wanted to have a threesome with me but the deep state forced them to not participate. None of you have proper clearance to review the proof. Therefore it must be true
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