Could we pull off singing Rocky Top in its entirety during a game as a crowd?

I was reading a message board and they were talking about the atmosphere at European soccer matches with the songs the crowd collectively sings and how electric it is.

Someone's reply was---we don't have those type of songs that are stadium song friendly.

I immediately thought of Rocky Top. Do you think we could pull off singing the entire song?

"...trapped like a duck in a pen...Wooo!!!"
If this got serious support, we could make flyers, which would be a great excuse to talk to cuties before the game, I digress, with a coordinated time we all start singing Rocky Top with the lyrics on the card.

If you know the lyrics pass the card on, and if you don't keep the card with the lyrics on it.

We could synchronize watches for 6 minutes left in the 2nd quarter.

Could be an epic moment.

This card will self destruct in 5 seconds.
I'll note here that the songs sang at soccer matches are mostly (if not all) "beer drankin' songs" which are rather long and drawn out, slow moving, and designed to be sang in unison by the drunks at the pub.

Um....Rocky Top? Not so much. I love the song, but aside from the chorus, it's a train wreck waiting to happen when 100K rock it.

Just sayin'


It would be extremely hard since it's such a fast song, but I'm willing to give it the ol' college try.

And for reference, here's one of the more famous english soccer songs being sung by about 95,000 fans (and this is not a home game, this is in Australia)...Liverpool's "You'll Never Walk Alone"

95,000 Liverpool fans sing You'll Never Walk Alone at the MCG - video | Football |
Get rid of the band and it might work.

Otherwise it'll just get interrupted repeatedly by the gladiator theme every five minutes
If they are going to play music between plays. Then they should play it. And we should sing it. As loud as we can. GO VOLS!!
How many people even know the whole song?

If it will replace the Wave, I might be down with it.
I would be so down to sing along. Who cares if everyone keeps tempo, its like church and enough of us would be in the right tempo it would be fine. No synchonizing watches, let it erupt like the wave. As far as when . . . how about the last drive of the gator win this year? "Wish that I was on ol' Rocky Top. . . " when this happens!:)
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