Countdown to 2006

(BizzLlama @ Apr 3 said:
UT football will be a joke next year

say, is that a self-portrait in your avatar or is that your mom? :whistling:
(vols kick balls @ Apr 3 said:
o man we got a person that can tell the future. how many rushing yards will arian foster have. passing yards for whoever starts. who will be the leading tackler on defense?

All good questions. IMO if you had asked this a year ago people would have said without hessitation that Riggs will easily break 1,000 yards rushing, EA will pass for at least 1,800 yards, and Jesse Mahelona would be the leading tackler.

Now you have to wonder is Foster will even be ready to start in September, you can assume that EA will start based on what Cut is saying but it does not sound like the offense is improving significantly, and our leading tackler will probably be a LB or someone in the secondary unless Chavis really squeezes everything he can out of his new D-line starters.
me too, you have to remember we had a bunch of last year recruits redshirt last year and we had a great recruiting class, now they will get to play (ex Rico McCoy)

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