Countdown to 2006

Jarond Parrish- 2006
John Henderson- 2004
Alex Walls- 2002
Mark Levine- 1997
Mose Phillips- 1994
Jeff Francis- 1988
staying in my negative mode, looking for a reason to be optomistic. not looking forward to the upcoming season, fulmer has no answers and untill he does i will stay negative.
Glass half empty kind of guy. Life must suck until good things happen. It is much more enjoyable the other way around.
hey freak, you don't have to press the quick reply button, you can just start typing in the box...

Jason Allen- 2005
DeRon Jenkins- 1995
Dale Carter- 19991
Kent Elmore- 1989
Craig Colquitt- 1977
Bubba Wyche- 1968
I've seeen the new addidas gear, and I am fired up.
glad you found something to get fired up about, because if you pay too much attention to some on this board, it may be the only thing you have to get fired up about this season.
Isn't this the best time of year? Everyone except the teams in Nashville, Starkville, and Lexington have already planned their trips to Atlanta.
Just one more weekend and then we'll be commenting on actual performance rather then "what if's". I wish we were there because some of the negative chatter on the board is annoying. Understand there is much room for improvement but there are some that b*tch just to b*tch.
It doesn't surprise me that there are not any posts from the NegaVols in this thread.

This thread, and the people that live and die by it everyday, are the people that are so excited about UT Football, that they just about can't stand it.

NegaVols have such a negative outlook on life, they can't understand how people could countdown everyday toward something as "bland" as a game with Cal.

Thank God I'm a Fulmerite.


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