Countdown to the real kickoff

Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 26, 2005 3:29 PM
How do you figure Urbans O isnt suited for the SEC game?  ITs dominated the rest of the country for 4 years. 

So since when do Air Force, Pitt, North Carolina, and BYU constitute the rest of the country?

Oh I forgot Texas A&M . . . No wait--Rick Clausen and Randy Sanders's "O" dominated them as well.
He cant help who he plays. whoever was on his schedule he beat by about 3 touchdowns. Dont know if you guys watched the Fiesta Bowl, but that was dissturbing the way Utah, played at will against them.

Go on GenNeyland9, respond to the rest of my post, or do you not have an excuse to cover the rest of the paragraph.
Go on GenNeyland9, respond to the rest of my post, or do you not have an excuse to cover the rest of the paragraph.

Hadn't planned on it, but fine . . .

I've read the same quotes you have about Coach Meyer saying we'll spread 'em out and throw, we'll do a little of this, and a little of that. That's all fine. I don't dispute that. I realize Florida will do a little bit of everything: shotgun, option, et. al.

However, when they do "sprinkle in a little option," (which, coincidentally has to be one of the pansiest sounding references to football ever) keep in mind that there is a reason that few if any teams run the option in big time conferences (Mtn. West and MAC not included in this classification) anymore. It's because defensive players nowadays are bigger and faster than ever, and your QB will be lucky to make it through the game, much less the season. Matt Jones at Arkansas and Dondrial Pinkins at USC are the only two I can think of to try it recently in the SEC, and they were both banged up and unable to play from time to time. They were also better athletes and runners than Chris Leak. I just don't think Leak is tough enough to do that. I may be wrong; we'll see.

The problem I had with your post is again your claim that Urban Meyer's system has dominated the rest of the country. He may not have had a choice in who his competition is, but's that not my point and it's also irrelevant. He very much dominated the Mountain West and whatever the hell conference Bowling Green was in (MAC?). Those schools, however, are just not the "rest" of the country. That's ridiculous. It may work, it may not; just don't imply that by a wave of a magic wand and little fancy X's and O's that all of the sudden Florida will be world beaters again just because weaker conferences with far lesser athletes on defense couldn't defend a system run by the #1 overall pick in this year's NFL Draft.

The Florida fans I know are all oohing and aahing at Urban's fancy offensive scheme, but I'd be more impressed and encouraged by the discipline he's trying to give his team if I were you.

P.S.: For future reference, if I don't cover all of your post it either means A) it was too retarded to even warrant a reply, or B) I don't dispute anything with regard to the rest of the post. (this situation falls under the latter)
Dont you think if Chris Leak isnt capable of running the option, than he wont run it? Who knows, maybe we wont run any at all.

Fine, " Urban has dominated everyone his schedule for 4 years". Better?

As far as discipline goes, when was the last time you heard of a UF player get into any kind of trouble. Sure as hell wasnt under Meyer. Id be a little more worried about Fulmer's discipline and the what, 10-15 (maybe more) players that have gotten into trouble for UT if I were you.

My point is, if Leak isnt "tough" enough to run the option, Im pretty sure he wont be doing that much of it, dont you? This wont be the same O you saw at Utah, Meyer has said several times that hell "tweak" his O to better suit his talent. If running the option wont work, or will hurt leak, or "expose" him, Im positive we wont run it.
While I like Leak, you will not see the full scale of the offense til Dickey or Portis take over. Heck, maybe even Meyer will rotate a lil during the game to switch it up a lil?
I was thinking the same, both portis and Dickey are more mobile than leak. Not sure how it would work, but i woudlnt be suprised to see it happen during a blowout game (say La Tech or Vandy).
By "discipline, I don't mean getting into trouble with the law. Tennessee definitely has the bigger problem with that at the moment.

What I was referring to is the discipline not to make stupid mistakes and penalties in the 4th quarter, i.e., mental toughness. That's something Florida sorely needs.

I agree with you. They probably won't run much option.
Yes they do. Look at last years UT game. If wed have kept our cool, we probably would have won. I think Meyers team will go out ready to play, and play smart, if anything else, we wont beat ourselves.
I think a lot of people, myself included think that while Meyer is a good coach he has not proven that his offense will work against top quality SEC teams. Pitt was no test at all last year and UM did have the #1 overall selection in the draft running his offense. He may win at this level in time, but he has a lot to prove, and to think he will come in and dominate the SEC (like a lot of FLA fans want to beleive) is ridiculous. And yes, maybe FLA should have won @ UT last year, but anyone would be a fool to think that is some sort of indicator of this year's outcome....UT was playing a ton of inexperienced freshmen who were playing in thier first real test, and our secondary will be tenfold better than they were when we met last year.
I'm not even going to blast UM's offensive scheme... what I WILL blast is the expectation that those kids at Florida will be able to pick up that system so quick.
I think Florida will have it down relatively well by the time we head to the swamp. All summer to practice it and two cupckaes to get some game time with.

I don't necesarily expect Urban Meyer to come in and do very well in the SEC, but I think it's entirely possible that he could do just that.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jul 28, 2005 2:27 PM
I think Florida will have it down relatively well by the time we head to the swamp. All summer to practice it and two cupckaes to get some game time with.

I don't necesarily expect Urban Meyer to come in and do very well in the SEC, but I think it's entirely possible that he could do just that.

I agree completely, milo.

I think it is a distinct probability that Meyer shows well his first year or so. But the expectations that the majority of FL fans seem to put on this team is outrageous IMO. I hesitate to see what the suicide rate down in the Appendage State does after they lose their first game and figue out a MNC isn't in the cards.

It's crazy. Absolutely hilarious! But crazy.
Another thing that FLA did not get a taste of last year was R Meachem. While he played he did not really come on until the end of the year. This guy has both an NFL body and NFL talent, and as deep as our WR group is, you cannot single him out and shut the passing game down. The running game should also be improved as should every other aspect other than maybe our punting game. This is going to be a MUCH better team that UF saw last year on both sides of the ball, with no weakness other than possibly the secondary based on the db play last year, but they were so young last year we should see vast improvement in that area as well. I completely hyped about this team and I think UM is going to get a hard dose of SEC reality when these teams meet.
OrangeFrenzy--nearly all the UF fans I know (and believe me i konw a lot) dont expect an undefeated season. We expect a trip to ATL, or atleast a 10 win season, but those are not realistic. We think we have a talented team and can compete with anyone in the country. But I think few, if any, dont fully expect to be smelling roses. Were really hopin for it, but not expecting.
Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 28, 2005 8:23 PM
OrangeFrenzy--nearly all the UF fans I know (and believe me i konw a lot) dont expect an undefeated season.  We expect a trip to ATL, or atleast a 10 win season, but those are not realistic. We think we have a talented team and can compete with anyone in the country.  But I think few, if any, dont fully expect to be smelling roses.  Were really hopin for it, but not expecting.

Did I read that right? Not being a smart-ahmmm ;), but that comment seems counterintuitive. You are expecting it, but not realistic? ?????????

I can completely understand you guys hoping for it and would expect nothing less. But to expect an SEC East with the ???????s in your program, with the level of competition in the conference? TN is going to be hard enough for you guys. But then you have GA with an established team, and an established SEC coach with full knowlege of playing in this arena.

I fugure CPF may have an inside perspective on the hurdles of a coach coming into our conference. Know what he said?

"As I said, the other coaches, I don't have any advice for them. They are very mature guys and very capable guys and competitors now. But until they have actually experienced this conference and this league you have no way to understand the depth of the incredible rivalries that are here. And as I said, that's one of the trademarks of this conference and one of the great things about this conference is you go into the unbelievable environments to play and most of the time they are really clean hard fought tough football games and I know they have been in good leagues and good schools and good places and everything, but there's no comparison to going to the Swamp or going to Death Valley or hopefully coming to our stadium or down to Auburn. Those are great venues to play in. They will have to experience that themselves."

Expecting 10 wins and even a hint of Atlanta is unrealistic. Hope for it. YES! But to have that expectation with this team and coaching staff, right now, is setting yourself up for a potential or probable letdown.
You guys are putting too much stock into the "unproven" coaching staff. You all think that theyll struggle and lose about 5 games. I assure you, UF will be better than they were last year, and with the discipline, the new coaching staff is bringing in,we should be able to close out games, and if we could have done that last year, we would have went undefeated. Im not expecting roses, but I am expecting atl., we have tons of talent, and a very good coaching staff. I know you wont change my mind, and I probably wont change yours, so we'll just leave it at this----we'll see come sept.
Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 29, 2005 1:39 PM
You guys are putting too much stock into the "unproven" coaching staff.  You all think that theyll struggle and lose about 5 games.  I assure you, UF will be better than they were last year, and with the discipline, the new coaching staff is bringing in,we should be able to close out games, and if we could have done that last year, we would have went undefeated.  Im not expecting roses, but I am expecting atl., we have tons of talent, and a very good coaching staff.  I know you wont change my mind, and I probably wont change yours, so we'll just leave it at this----we'll see come sept.

Probably won't change our minds...?

WE are putting very, very little stock in the "unproven" coach. You guys are the ones putting too much stock in him.

As for an unproven coaching staff, they aren't unproven as a whole. As I mentioned earlier and you haven't dealt with yet: The Defensive Coordinator has proven himself 3 years in a row.

Go ahead and buy your tickets to Atlanta now. I'll guarantee you now 80% face value when I buy them off of you later.
Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 29, 2005 1:52 PM
What exactly is up your ass?

You come on here and make fun of UT and "hint" about things then backtrack and get defensive when called out. You are obviously taking subtle shots and some people don't like it. Just like you made fun of the UT frosh academic honor roll for football players.
Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 29, 2005 1:52 PM
What exactly is up your ass?

Nothing that I know of.

I'm just trying to get you to answer some unbiased concerns in an unbiased manner. Not with answers like" He practically call the plays, himself". And differently than copping out on FL's record last year.

Let me cue in another perspective than your own for a second.

You are on a TN board, crapping on Tennessee VICTORIES from last year, but TOTALLY unwilling to deal with Florida's LOSSES. (Note, I am not yelling, I am seeking to highlight the important points.) Imagine that outside of your perspective for a sec, GV.

You are in TN, pissing on our accomplishments, and unwilling to speak to YOUR failures.

That is Busche League GV, and you'd realize it if you took the time to consider it. So, as a matter of fact, that may be what's up some of our, :moon2:
Umm...Hello, I dont know how to make it any more clearer than, UT WAS BETTER THAN UF LAST YEAR. Im not unwilling to deal with UF's losses, did you not read my post in the Urban Myth thread. Ill speak of our failures anyday. Where youre getting that Iw ont I dont know. And for what its worth, Zook pretty much called our plays on D last year, he said so several times, thats not an excuse. Dont say something about me that isnt true, I have never or will never deny UFs shortcomings last year or years before, whats busche league is you putting words in my mouth.

UTvolpj---I dont hint anything, and Im not defensive, I try to make my points, people twist them around, and I try to correct them. when people act like assholes for no reason, Ill probably ask why.

I wasnt making fun of UT's honor roll numbers, at first glance I thought it was overall honor roll, and after that (all sec) I still thought it was a little low, but then again it wasnt, my bad, no need to get defensive.
Well, your points are a little mis-guided here. You claim UF is going to be much better than last year. Well, last year the same was said. Surely you're not confused when you come to a UT board and there are very few people in agreement w/ you. The past 3 seasons have resulted in 15 losses for UF and 2 to the Vols. Why are you so surprised that UT fans don't tremble at the mere mention of the Gators? We are the defending East division champs with the winningest active coach in the NCAA. On the flip side, UF comes off a disappointing loss in the Peach Bowl and has a new, unproven-in-the-SEC head coach. You are in a VERY small minority if you think UF pulls out a win against the Vols.

Hmm..Only 2 losses over the past 3 sesons, might wanna check your math, they had 3 last year.

Some on here, who actually know a thing or two about football, realize that its going to be a very tough game, and no gimmie. Now they dont think UF is going to win (what UT fan does, or what UF fan doesnt) but they do realize that its a tough game ahead, as I do. I think it could go either way, but the homer in me, and what I hear from practice reports and what not, and all these things about Meyer, Im impressed and I think we have a very good shot to win. Make fun all you want, but unlike you, I realize its going to be a very good game, and could go either way.
Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 29, 2005 3:51 PM
Hmm..Only 2 losses over the past 3 sesons, might wanna check your math, they had 3 last year. 

No, UF has 2 losses to the Vols over the past 3 years that are included in the 15. I can see how you mis-read it though. I knew what I meant in my head man, why didn't you? ;)
Oh yeah, UF fans have been begging the football gods for the gift of mind reading for the past 7 years or so.:)

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