Country in the toilet and Goober Graham’s focus on NIL…

The GOP is willing to destroy everything you have worked for if the Dems don’t cave, and your response is to explain that they have the constitutional power to hold you hostage.

I hope our elected officials appreciate your willingness to make such a sacrifice for the good of the party.
Odd how Shumer was against a clean bill debt limit vote in 2017. Very stark difference to Shumer now.

Shumer should put the house bill up for a vote. See where we stand.
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Please pardon my interruption, but I cannot agree that Biden’s flaws are worse, given that Trump tried to destroy American democracy just to keep himself in power. If the losing party ever has its people in the right positions of power in the right states to overturn an election over nothing but lies, conspiracy theories, and partisanship and chooses to go through with it, there will be no more USA, because we’d be replacing elections with administrative power grabs.
I’m sorry for butting in. I just cannot take Trump or any of his 2024 voters seriously, given that he continues to lie about the election with complete disregard for the damage he’s caused (which includes the death of the woman who was shot at the Capitol). The extreme seriousness of a sitting POTUS denying his election results while producing no evidence cannot be stated often enough. It’s mind-blowing that people still consider handing the keys to the free world back to Trump.
You refer to what they've done to date. I referred to their character. Trump had 4 years to do his worst. Biden may yet surpass him.
Several countries had Pandemic plans. Did you know that not a single one called for shutdowns. Seems like we toss logic and embrace crazy when we are scared.
Are you sure about that? Countries had plans after SARS and H1N1, and there were of course shutdowns.
Perhaps if he hadn't done this:

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

We would have been better prepared
Good grief…this again, really? And @EasternVol

Fmr. NSC official: The WH didn’t ‘dissolve’ pandemic response office, but made it stronger. ‘I was there.’
On Friday in the midst of the global coronavirus crisis, one-time Obama appointee to the National Security Council (NSC) Beth Cameron wrote in a Washington Post op-edthat the Trump administration’s response to COVID-19 had been “slow and inadequate.” She suggested the reason for that was the closure of the NSC’s Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense.

But on Monday, Tim Morrison, former senior directorfor counterproliferation and biodefense on the National Security Council responded in the Post in an editorialentitled, “No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there.”

Morrison angrily charged that Cameron was simply taking part in a Dem-crafted election-year political narrative and that she was not telling the truth about the office’s closure.

“It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, “dissolved the office” at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness,” wrote Morrison. “Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious.”

“It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction,” he continued.

He pointed out that former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who served in the Obama administration, agreed with congressional oversight committees and other members of the Obama administration that the NSC had grown too large and needed a course correction from being too operationally focused. He referenced a 2015 Post article that found between the time of the Clinton administration and the second term of the Obama administration, NSC staff “had quadrupled in size, to nearly 400 people.”

“That is why Trump began streamlining the NSC staff in 2017,” wrote Morrison.

Sweeping away the fog, he told how a reorganization within the NSC actually resulted in a stronger directorate.

One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate,” said Morrison, “which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled.”

He went on to insist that even with a continuing effort underway to trim the NSC fat, “it has left the biodefense staff unaffected — perhaps a recognition of the importance of that mission to the president, who, after all, in 2018 issued a presidential memorandum to finally create real accountability in the federal government’s expansive biodefense system.”

I posted this in March 2020.
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Again, if the ceiling is not raised or eliminated, the US economy will be destroyed. This is not the time for a budget negotiation. The GOP is willing to destroy you economically if Biden and the Dems don’t cave. If they do cave, the GOP will only agree to temporarily not destroy the US economy so that they can retain the option to take us all hostages again in the future. And your response is to expect Biden and the Dems to cave.

A strong POTUS would call their bluff. There is no way that the big money donors of both parties are going to sit back and watch their financial portfolios get sacked. The GOP donors will order the GOP to release the hostages if Biden calls the GOP’s bluff and sticks to it.

Your understanding of budgeting and business is very, very naive.
“Keep your head buried in the sand,” the mating call of the aggressively gullible. If some jerk on the internet told you that the grass was purple and the sky was the home of the smurf people, you’d believe it as long as they made it sound like a government conspiracy.

Spoken like a true government stooge. Is that you Mrs Soros?
Again, if the ceiling is not raised or eliminated, the US economy will be destroyed. This is not the time for a budget negotiation. The GOP is willing to destroy you economically if Biden and the Dems don’t cave. If they do cave, the GOP will only agree to temporarily not destroy the US economy so that they can retain the option to take us all hostages again in the future. And your response is to expect Biden and the Dems to cave.

A strong POTUS would call their bluff. There is no way that the big money donors of both parties are going to sit back and watch their financial portfolios get sacked. The GOP donors will order the GOP to release the hostages if Biden calls the GOP’s bluff and sticks to it.

Your conjecture about the GOP is fascinating.
The GOP is willing to destroy everything you have worked for if the Dems don’t cave, and your response is to explain that they have the constitutional power to hold you hostage.

I hope our elected officials appreciate your willingness to make such a sacrifice for the good of the party.

It takes 2 to tango so if the Rs are guilty of willing to destroy everything then so are the dems.

If neither side will compromise both are guilty.
Again, if the ceiling is not raised or eliminated, the US economy will be destroyed. This is not the time for a budget negotiation. The GOP is willing to destroy you economically if Biden and the Dems don’t cave. If they do cave, the GOP will only agree to temporarily not destroy the US economy so that they can retain the option to take us all hostages again in the future. And your response is to expect Biden and the Dems to cave.

A strong POTUS would call their bluff. There is no way that the big money donors of both parties are going to sit back and watch their financial portfolios get sacked. The GOP donors will order the GOP to release the hostages if Biden calls the GOP’s bluff and sticks to it.

A strong POTUS wouldn't have stonewalled for massive spending desires over a literal pittance in spending cuts over 10 years, when he's already won the lottery for unprecedented and wasteful spending.

A static debt ceiling will destroy the US economy but not approaching nearly $40T in on-book debt and....$350T in off the books debt for SS, Medi, govco retirement benefits? And a static debt ceiling is not even what Repubs are calling for, but just $5T in cuts over a decade, but that's too much for "a strong POTUS" to concede to?!

We are ***** future generations permanently, but let's be hysterical about the debt ceiling, instead; and hope wealthy, portfolioed "big money donors/both parties" win out?!
FFS, man, that's 'Blueprint to Destroy a Nation'. This is exactly the time for negotiations, a day late and $ short. Our dollar is propped up by demand, itself a result of the petrodollar after leaving gold, to prop up support for dollar while racking up debt during the Vietnam War. I'm beginning to root for the Yuan to take off as a competitive currency due to China's inroading around the globe, and the Euro; we've been without competition so long we've abandoned fiscal responsibility. I don't think it will be restored until the dollar's world reserve status is threatened; even that may be wishful thinking.
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Several countries had Pandemic plans. Did you know that not a single one called for shutdowns. Seems like we toss logic and embrace crazy when we are scared.

What are you talking about? China was completely shut down for months; in fact, it just recently reopened after another shutdown. Italy was shut down. Most countries had some form of a shutdown.
First, the debt is not a problem. Economists don't worry about it, and neither do Republicans when they pass $2 Trillion tax cuts for the wealthy that raise the debt. But when a Democrat is in the White House, the GOP always starts yodeling about spending and the debt, as does Earl from Middle of Nowhere America.
Odd how Shumer was against a clean bill debt limit vote in 2017. Very stark difference to Shumer now.

Shumer should put the house bill up for a vote. See where we stand.

The House bill is a waste of time. It’s an extreme bill with no chance of passing.

I’m not aware of Schumer presenting a far left bill and declaring ‘pass this or I will crush us all’.
You refer to what they've done to date. I referred to their character. Trump had 4 years to do his worst. Biden may yet surpass him.

I don’t see what Biden could do that would be worse than a sitting POTUS trying to destroy American democracy and thus the country.
Your understanding of budgeting and business is very, very naive.

How so?
We’re the only country that needlessly risks blowing itself up like this. It’s insane. The US economy should not be a bargaining chip.
Personally, I hope they burn the country down and let the debt limit freeze where it's at until these idiots learn how to quit spending money like drunken sailors.
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It takes 2 to tango so if the Rs are guilty of willing to destroy everything then so are the dems.

If neither side will compromise both are guilty.

This is about the US paying existing debts. The debt ceiling is not about new spending. There should not be anything to debate or compromise on. They should permanently get rid of the debt ceiling. The Dems have the White House and the Senate. The GOP only has the House and has decided that’s enough to justify holding the US economy over Biden’s head.

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