Country in the toilet and Goober Graham’s focus on NIL…

How so?
We’re the only country that needlessly risks blowing itself up like this. It’s insane. The US economy should not be a bargaining chip.

Read @NCFisher post. No sense in me rehashing. You cannot keep spending like drunken saviors, and not crush the dollar and the next generation.

This is the exact time with someone with some sense to reign this in. That last omnibus bill budget should've never passed. We were in a lame duck session and that normally never happens. This Congress would've never agreed to it but the left shoved it threw with the help of some republican senators who aren't considered strong conservatives.
Perhaps the far right ‘Freedom’ Caucus doesn’t really intend to blow us all up. Perhaps it’s all a bluff and they figure they can play Biden for a fool.

The only fool is one who think you can get separate spending cuts with these clowns in Washington.
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This is about the US paying existing debts. The debt ceiling is not about new spending. There should not be anything to debate or compromise on. They should permanently get rid of the debt ceiling. The Dems have the White House and the Senate. The GOP only has the House and has decided that’s enough to justify holding the US economy over Biden’s head.

Biden needs to “work across the aisle” like he promised.
A strong POTUS wouldn't have stonewalled for massive spending desires over a literal pittance in spending cuts over 10 years, when he's already won the lottery for unprecedented and wasteful spending.

A static debt ceiling will destroy the US economy but not approaching nearly $40T in on-book debt and....$350T in off the books debt for SS, Medi, govco retirement benefits? And a static debt ceiling is not even what Repubs are calling for, but just $5T in cuts over a decade, but that's too much for "a strong POTUS" to concede to?!

We are ***** future generations permanently, but let's be hysterical about the debt ceiling, instead; and hope wealthy, portfolioed "big money donors/both parties" win out?!
FFS, man, that's 'Blueprint to Destroy a Nation'. This is exactly the time for negotiations, a day late and $ short. Our dollar is propped up by demand, itself a result of the petrodollar after leaving gold, to prop up support for dollar while racking up debt during the Vietnam War. I'm beginning to root for the Yuan to take off as a competitive currency due to China's inroading around the globe, and the Euro; we've been without competition so long we've abandoned fiscal responsibility. I don't think it will be restored until the dollar's world reserve status is threatened; even that may be wishful thinking.

The Repubs could help with the deficit by reversing Trump’s tax cuts for the rich, but that seems to be a non-starter.

The budget should not be negotiated with the debt ceiling hanging over our heads. We’re not risking a temporary government shutdown. We’re risking the US economy.

If the MLB owners and players don’t reach a deal
by a certain date during their negotiations, some games are missed and some businesses are affected.

This arbitrary ceiling repeatedly puts the whole country at risk.
Read @NCFisher post. No sense in me rehashing. You cannot keep spending like drunken saviors, and not crush the dollar and the next generation.

This is the exact time with someone with some sense to reign this in. That last omnibus bill budget should've never passed. We were in a lame duck session and that normally never happens. This Congress would've never agreed to it but the left shoved it threw with the help of some republican senators who aren't considered strong conservatives.

The next budget will require a bipartisan deal because it’s a split government. That’s the time to negotiate spending - when a government shutdown is hanging over their heads and not the whole economy.
Biden needs to “work across the aisle” like he promised.

In other words, he needs to meet the terrorists halfway, some of whom reportedly expect to end up with an even better deal than what the House passed.
This is about the US paying existing debts. The debt ceiling is not about new spending. There should not be anything to debate or compromise on. They should permanently get rid of the debt ceiling. The Dems have the White House and the Senate. The GOP only has the House and has decided that’s enough to justify holding the US economy over Biden’s head.
What would you do if you didn't have enough money to pay your bills each month and were racking up credit card debt until you reached its limit? Would you not pay your bill anymore, or would you cut back on spending?
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Just raise the dam thing. Never mind all the grandstanding. It’s going to happen. Screw around too much and the credit rating gets down graded, interest rates on the debt go up, and there will be an additional half trillion/year increase in the deficit.
Maybe they would if you scum bags didn't want to cut VA healthcare, Medicare, and SS. ****ing scum of the earth. Make the rich richer and make the middle-lower class pay for it.
There’s no reason to cut Social Security payments. The age of retirement just needs to be raised to around 73-74. That would pretty much solve the Social Security problem then and there. Medicare on the other hand….
What would you do if you didn't have enough money to pay your bills each month and were racking up credit card debt until you reached its limit? Would you not pay your bill anymore, or would you cut back on spending?

I am not a country that is a global superpower with no true limit on how much it can borrow besides a uniquely American ceiling that has turned into a political football. And a default by me doesn’t blow up everyone else.
Calling the opposition “terrorist” is good way to get people to work with you.

Ted Cruz said in the past couple of weeks that Biden is behaving like a “terrorist” even though it’s the GOP who has taken hostages.

Do you receive Trump’s campaign emails? I doubt he’s writing them himself, but one of today’s emails said the GOP should refuse to make a deal “unless they get everything they want including the kitchen sink”. To negotiate like that, they have to be willing to destroy the economy. ‘Give me what I want or I will destroy the country’ is the behavior of a terrorist. I used to generally ignore this stuff, because I always figured they’d work it out because of the consequences of no deal, but I’m getting concerned that there is a growing percentage of the elected GOP that is radical enough to go through with wrecking the place.
Just raise the dam thing. Never mind all the grandstanding. It’s going to happen. Screw around too much and the credit rating gets down graded, interest rates on the debt go up, and there will be an additional half trillion/year increase in the deficit.

But our debt does’t matter…. Per economists.
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Ted Cruz said in the past couple of weeks that Biden is behaving like a “terrorist” even though it’s the GOP who has taken hostages.

Do you receive Trump’s campaign emails? I doubt he’s writing them himself, but one of today’s emails said the GOP should refuse to make a deal “unless they get everything they want including the kitchen sink”. To negotiate like that, they have to be willing to destroy the economy.
When Biden said he won't negotiate, then why not take the same approach.
Ted Cruz said in the past couple of weeks that Biden is behaving like a “terrorist” even though it’s the GOP who has taken hostages.

Do you receive Trump’s campaign emails? I doubt he’s writing them himself, but one of today’s emails said the GOP should refuse to make a deal “unless they get everything they want including the kitchen sink”. To negotiate like that, they have to be willing to destroy the economy. ‘Give me what I want or I will destroy the country’ is the behavior of a terrorist. I used to generally ignore this stuff, because I always figured they’d work it out because of the consequences of no deal, but I’m getting concerned that there is a growing percentage of the elected GOP that is radical enough to go through with wrecking the place.

I don’t receive anything from Trump nor do I GAS about Cruz. I just recall being told that Biden was going to be the adult in DC and could work across the aisle to get things done.
I don’t receive anything from Trump nor do I GAS about Cruz. I just recall being told that Biden was going to be the adult in DC and could work across the aisle to get things done.
That was when the powers that be wanted him to get elected. Now that he was elected, his days revolve around diaper changes and ice cream cones as rewards for doing what the 20 something year old kids that run the white house tell him to do.
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There’s no reason to cut Social Security payments. The age of retirement just needs to be raised to around 73-74. That would pretty much solve the Social Security problem then and there. Medicare on the other hand….
The life expectancy for a male in the US is 76.
The life expectancy for a male in the US is 76.
And? The life expectancy for a male in the US when social security was enacted was 61. You want to go by that formula? The fact is, social security was never intended to be a multi-decade retirement plan. It was created so that most people could spend the last year or so of their lives at home instead of working until they died. Which was the norm at the time.
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And? The life expectancy for a male in the US when social security was enacted was 61. You want to go by that formula? The fact is, social security was never intended to be a multi-decade retirement plan. It was created so that most people could spend the last year or so of their lives at home instead of working until they died. Which was the norm at the time.
Who the **** wants to do that? Wtf. Work your entire life and finally get to rest a year or 2 before you die. What a soul crushing existence.
The bottom line on social security is that the numbers don’t add up anymore. When it was first created there were 42 workers for every retiree. Today that ratio is 3:1. By the time all the baby boomers retire, it’ll be 2:1.
Well how about take responsibility of your own retirement and not rely on the government to subsidize it?
I have a healthy 401k. Why doesn't the government let me opt out of SS if I only get to use it for 2 years? I hate to think of what I have already paid in to SS in my 17 years of working...
I have a healthy 401k. Why doesn't the government let me opt out of SS if I only get to use it for 2 years? I hate to think of what I have already paid in to SS in my 17 years of working...

I wish that was an option but they won’t allow it because too many people would opt out and the system would fail.

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