Crazy Allen West's Latest

It takes an especially crazy sack of **** to say things like this. “Are we witnessing an Obama ‘Wag the Dog’ moment with Boko Haram in Nigeria? I say yes. ...what better time than right now, to create the straw man of Boko Haram, another distraction for which no real action will take place? Gotta give it to the Democrats, they know how to make life imitate art. Sadly, as a nation we’re falling for another episode of liberal progressive ‘Wag the Dog.’” Allen West

Still, he's done more for the country than you, but go ahead and criticize.
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He has not done more for the country, but he has taken more from the country. He is a crazy sack of ****.

More from the country? He at least has served.

You may not like him but he has contributed 1000 times more to the country than Obama.
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He served by resigning instead of facing a general court martial. That way, he kept his U.S. Treasury checks coming. An enlisted man would have gone to Leavenworth for what he did.
He served by resigning instead of facing a general court martial. That way, he kept his U.S. Treasury checks coming. An enlisted man would have gone to Leavenworth for what he did.

Actually he was given the option for retirement and got NJP from the Division Commander. So that's his fault?

''There are rules and regulations, and there's protecting your soldiers,'' Colonel West said, sitting by a man-made waterway behind his family's new home in a Florida subdivision. ''I just felt I'd never have to write a letter of condolence home to a 'rule and regulation.' ''

''The fact is, I made a choice, the choice had consequences and I accept that,'' he continued.

WebCite query result

It's obvious that you have no idea that most officers would never, I repeat never, stick their necks out like that for their troops.

I wish I had more commanders like that.
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That's what I said. He was given the choice; resign or face a court martial. He took the money and ran. There is no evidence to support his actions being anything but those of a crazy man...your kind of guy?
That's what I said. He was given the choice; resign or face a court martial. He took the money and ran. There is no evidence to support his actions being anything but those of a crazy man...your kind of guy?

He's a ****ing war hero.. Show some respect.
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That's what I said. He was given the choice; resign or face a court martial. He took the money and ran. There is no evidence to support his actions being anything but those of a crazy man...your kind of guy?

Try actually reading what happened. Even Wikipedia is more informed than you are.

The Division Commander declined to proceed to the courts martial and gave him an Article 15 instead. And just in case you missed what I just said:


Try researching for a change. It's a novel concept.
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That's what I said. He was given the choice; resign or face a court martial. He took the money and ran. There is no evidence to support his actions being anything but those of a crazy man...your kind of guy?

Is Obama your kind of guy ? Who is guilty of
Killing more innocent people?

This is fun!
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FACT: A good military career always includes at LEAST 1 Article 15.

And WOW to his..for beating a stupid Iraqi? Damn, I got away with near murder then.
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FACT: A good military career always includes at LEAST 1 Article 15.

And WOW to his..for beating a stupid Iraqi? Damn, I got away with near murder then.

Just not trying if you don't at least get a company grade..
I've got no problem with the far right promoting guys like Allen West as emblematic of their beliefs and policy positions. Frankly, I wish they'd trot him out for show a bit more.
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I've got no problem with the far right promoting guys like Allen West as emblematic of their beliefs and policy positions. Frankly, I wish they'd trot him out for show a bit more.


How do you feel about his military dismissal?
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How do hour feel about his military dismissal?

If I'm reading your question right, I recall there is some controversy but its been awhile since I looked it up to know the details you guys are debating here,. At any rate he's irrelevant enough to me that I don't feel compelled to go learn it again.

I think his statements while in Congress are far more telling as to what kind of politician and policymaker he is than is his military record. And, like I say, I am happy to let the TP hoist him up as what they believe in.
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If I'm reading your question right, I recall there is some controversy but its been awhile since I looked it up to know the details you guys are debating here,. At any rate he's irrelevant enough to me that I don't feel compelled to go learn it again.

Some controversy yes, had to do with getting information out of an Iraqi to prevent an attack.

It wasn't a troll question. You're kind of an enigma when it comes to the military.

I think his statements while in Congress are far more telling as to what kind of politician and policymaker he is than is his military record. And, like I say, I am happy to let the TP hoist him up as what they believe in.

I get this funny feeling he isn't done in the political arena.
Some controversy yes, had to do with getting information out of an Iraqi to prevent an attack.

It wasn't a troll question. You're kind of an enigma when it comes to the military.

I get this funny feeling he isn't done in the political arena.

For pure entertainment value one hopes you are correct.
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That's what I said. He was given the choice; resign or face a court martial. He took the money and ran. There is no evidence to support his actions being anything but those of a crazy man...your kind of guy?

Which is a critical part of the military justice system. As a commander, I gave the option of NJP or trial by courts marshal every time I had a soldier accused of wrong doing. Only once did I have a soldier (a warrant officer, no less) that I sent directly to a court marshal and that was because he tried to kill his wife.

As to West, there is ample evidence that his actions were those of a commander who was perfectly sane and trying to save American lives. Now, you may disagree with some of his rhetoric in his political life, and you can say he used faulty judgement the night in question, but you can't judge either his sanity nor his intent.
If I'm reading your question right, I recall there is some controversy but its been awhile since I looked it up to know the details you guys are debating here,. At any rate he's irrelevant enough to me that I don't feel compelled to go learn it again.

I think his statements while in Congress are far more telling as to what kind of politician and policymaker he is than is his military record. And, like I say, I am happy to let the TP hoist him up as what they believe in.

In short, he took over the interrogation of a detainee after his unit had been engaged. During the impromptu interrogation, he fired his pistol in an attempt to scare the guy into talking. He fired the pistol in a direction that wouldn't do anyone any harm showing that he was in control of his faculties. But, the intelligence team assigned to his unit complained to their commander who filed an official complaint up the chain of command. My understanding is that West wasn't satisfied with the intelligence team's effectiveness and thought they were too easy on the Iraqi detainees. He chewed them out a couple of times before this incident and they were pretty butt hurt about their treatment, so they got back at him when he stepped over the line.

But, he didn't torture anyone, didn't water board the guy, didn't injure him in any way. And, he didn't go anywhere close to what they were doing in Abu Graib at the time. He yelled at him and fired his pistol. Had he just yelled at the guy, or stayed back and let the intel team do their thing, he would probably have made it to the general officer ranks before he retired.
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In short, he took over the interrogation of a detainee after his unit had been engaged. During the impromptu interrogation, he fired his pistol in an attempt to scare the guy into talking. He fired the pistol in a direction that wouldn't do anyone any harm showing that he was in control of his faculties. But, the intelligence team assigned to his unit complained to their commander who filed an official complaint up the chain of command. My understanding is that West wasn't satisfied with the intelligence team's effectiveness and thought they were too easy on the Iraqi detainees. He chewed them out a couple of times before this incident and they were pretty butt hurt about their treatment, so they got back at him when he stepped over the line.

But, he didn't torture anyone, didn't water board the guy, didn't injure him in any way. And, he didn't go anywhere close to what they were doing in Abu Graib at the time. He yelled at him and fired his pistol. Had he just yelled at the guy, or stayed back and let the intel team do their thing, he would probably have made it to the general officer ranks before he retired.

He clearly stepped over the line. The more humane thing to do would have been to send an armed drone after him.
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