Crazy Kanye Buys Parler

I'm going to say something here that will probably be unpopular, and difficult to hear, but it's in my mind. He might be off his rocker, but he may be crazy like a fox. By providing a "safespace" for russian influencers, he gets to enjoy the "infamy" of a black community, who are largely rejecting him; while also receiving the banking, and rubbing coke noses, with the old boys billionaires club.
Jews are prominent and as disproportionately represented in business and professional fields, as criminal offenders are likely to be black.

Who’s in the Owner’s Box? Jews!
Who Are The Worst - And Best - Jewish Owners In Pro Sports?
The disproportionate success of Jews in America
Jews Make-Up 19% of Forbes 200 World’s Richest List
Who runs Hollywood? C'mon

It's a simply a fact Jews have disproportionate influence - paralleled by no other group - due to this success. The music industry - including that populated by black artists - is no different. Perhaps his (and acquaintances in the industry) is checkered by Jewish owners & managers they feel took advantage of them, or coerced a commercial aspect upon them they labored under and resented. Now imagine instead of Jews, these industries were disproportionately Bammers. Would he be anti-semitic for resenting the artistic control Bubba Gump exercised over him? No; it is what it is, and the parties involved are who they are.

In addition, Jews vote about 3-1 for Democrats, another group Kanye is not a fan of. The left would like to destroy the guy because he's off the Democrat plantation. If he's anti-Jew, this doesn't prove it.

Another sterling thread spun by the VN member who enjoys cuke slices on the eyes in restorative mud spas using recycled sewage; well done @evillawyer!
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Why is this even a topic with what is happening. Like 1200 on the list of IGAS

I can't speak for the rest of you but I can do a century ride while spanking a pack of Camels and a pitcher of Negronis, while reading Kafka's 'The Trial', AND slaying an army of leftist filth on multiple forums with impeccable wit and inarguable facts.

Just to keep myself from getting bored while attaining 10% body fat and bedding (yet another) Jennifer Garner clone on sequential nights.
Any nights I want.

I started by chewing gum and walking, then worked my way up.
Somehow I don't think 'ye being black means its okay for him to be anti-semitic. But maybe that's me.

It was apparently perfectly fine for former gang member and Berkeley alum Desean Jackson Who wasn’t even fined, much less suspended. I wonder what the difference is? Hell I think If KW can come up with one more racist comment he’ll be awarded a House seat representing either the Minneapolis or Dearborn suburbs.
It was apparently perfectly fine for former gang member and Berkeley alum Desean Jackson Who wasn’t even fined, much less suspended. I wonder what the difference is? Hell I think If KW can come up with one more racist comment he’ll be awarded a House seat representing either the Minneapolis or Dearborn suburbs.

You're wondering why the NFL fined and suspended Kanye and not Desean Jackson?
There’s nothing wrong with buying Hot Pockets or tube socks. Elitist, leftist garbage tweeting their usual crap right there. I don’t know what an anime body pillow is, but everybody with a hitch needs a pair of truck nuts.

I don’t mind buying products from Alabama. And I don’t mind buying hot pockets. But you can count me out when it comes to Alabama Hot Pockets.
You're wondering why the NFL fined and suspended Kanye and not Desean Jackson?

Yes. That’s exactly what I said. It couldn’t have been that I was complaining about the fact that Kanye was kicked off two social media networks while Jackson wasn’t even disciplined by his employer. But if you want to make it more apples to apples we can talk about the fact that Desean still has a Twitter account. One which he has repeatedly used over the years to display gang clothing and hand signals, in violation of what Twitter claims are their standards. Is that better for you?
I’m not speaking for or against any particular person, but there is a LARGE difference between speaking out against Israel’s policies and antisemitism.
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