Crazy Kanye Buys Parler

Never go full MAGA

And your friendly reminder that this tweet is still up .....

weak sauce

If you want me to admit that not everything Hitler did was bad, I can admit that. The entire point of my post was that we don't need to waste energy playing devil's advocate and white knighting for people like Hitler, and you respond to it by playing devil's advocate for people like Hitler, LOL.
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If you want me to admit that not everything Hitler did was bad, I can admit that. The entire point of my post was that we don't need to waste energy playing devil's advocate and white knighting for people like Hitler, and you respond to it by playing devil's advocate for people like Hitler, LOL.

Ras' M.O. when he finds himself in a hole is to keep digging
Idk seems Kanye is just repeating us govt policy from not so long ago
Kanye still popular with those who loves em some Jesus for an hour on Sunday mornings.

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If you want me to admit that not everything Hitler did was bad, I can admit that. The entire point of my post was that we don't need to waste energy playing devil's advocate and white knighting for people like Hitler, and you respond to it by playing devil's advocate for people like Hitler, LOL.
WTF are you talking about? Your limp-wristed "IDK" answer to a simple azz question was why I called it weak sauce.

If you are a believer in the 1st Amendment, you would defend even speech that you disagree with... you would believe that there are no 3rd rail subject matters.
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He is very obviously not well. I hope he gets some help and gets back on his medicine. The people sticking a microphone in his face and the people mocking him for what he says are all gross.

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