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I’m not speaking for or against any particular person, but there is a LARGE difference between speaking out against Israel’s policies and antisemitism.

Too many on the right think your position on Zionism determines whether or not you are antisemitic. Candace Owens is OK defending Kanye's antisemitic rant because she's a Zionist. The squad has problems with the Israeli government, so they are antisemitic.
Isn’t it strange that anyone who tries to bring up how much power Jewish people hold in Hollywood or the music industry they are automatically labeled anti semetic? Strange.
on a road trip I listened to the 3 hour interview with Rogan (2020 I think).

this guy is like a savant - he's operating on a different wavelength than most people. on one hand he's amazingly accomplished and delving into a wide range of issues/problems/systems with some interesting if not entirely feasible solutions. on the other he's insanely all over the place and has self delusion issues. I really never thought much of him but after the interview I came away thinking this guy defies normal explanation and he's neither as crazy as he seems and at the same time crazier. He would be exhausting to know on a personal level because he's hyper-focused on so many unrelated things.

all that said, none of that excuses clearly bigoted comments - I understand why people would disassociate with him
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Too many on the right think your position on Zionism determines whether or not you are antisemitic. Candace Owens is OK defending Kanye's antisemitic rant because she's a Zionist. The squad has problems with the Israeli government, so they are antisemitic.
Ilhan Omar’s quarrel might be with the Israeli government. But she’s more of a threat to the Jewish people than Kanye West could ever be.
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How is she a threat to them? By somehow convincing the rest of DC to be neutral with regard to Israel?
She is a US Representative that has openly advocated for defunding Israeli security. Security that protects that people from those who would “wipe them from the earth”.

Are you saying Kanye West poses a larger threat to the Jewish people?
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She is a US Representative that has openly advocated for defunding Israeli security. Security that protects that people from those who would “wipe them from the earth”.

Are you saying Kanye West poses a larger threat to the Jewish people?
I'm for defunding them as well as all the other foreign nations propped up with US tax dollars. Am I antisemitic as well?
I said threat to the Jewish people.

And no. You are not a threat to the Jewish people. Your power and influence does not extend beyond these forums.
How about sending all our money overseas is a threat to the American people? Honestly I care more about that than some mythical fight for israel
How about sending all our money overseas is a threat to the American people? Honestly I care more about that than some mythical fight for israel
I’m fine with slashing All foreign aid. Across the board.

I’m not ok with just slashing Israeli aid.
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I said threat to the Jewish people.

And no. You are not a threat to the Jewish people. Your power and influence does not extend beyond these forums.

You keep saying "Jewish people" but you're talking about Israelis in Israel, which is totally different.

If you are against foreign welfare, why would you take the position I'm only getting rid of Israel's welfare if we get rid of all foreign welfare? You discussed their importance, but if that's the reasoning, they'd still be important when you get rid of all other foreign welfare, so why slash it?

We don't need Israel. The only reasons we are involved are that we try to control everything and religious/cultural attitudes. There's no actual winning for the average American in any of this.
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Isn’t it strange that anyone who tries to bring up how much power Jewish people hold in Hollywood or the music industry they are automatically labeled anti semetic? Strange.

Anyone who disagrees with Isreal's stance on the Palestinian issue is antisemetic

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