Evidently they throw out anybody that doesn't agree with them.
Expelled from the Creation “Museum” : Pharyngula
The Creation "Museum" has given us warning : Pharyngula
Atheists expelled from Creation 'Museum' - New York Atheism & Skepticism | Examiner.com
Religion or not, the idea of somebody riding on a dinosaur is absurd and embarassing for any human living in the 21st century to believe...and it isn't mean or disrespectful to say so. The above people weren't event doing that...they were quietly discussing one of the displays.
And a tax break? Why? They continually say the museum is private property and privately funded and they can throw out anybody they want.
Oops. Accidentally liked this post.
Last I heard, criticism and discussion isn't being an a-hole.
That's a movie quote from an old stupid movie. I was attempting sarcasm but clearly failed miserably. I think its incredibly stupid to open a "Museum" and then discourage debate and or an opposing view.
My bad, I didn't get the reference.
Personally, I think it's stupid to call it a museum with absolutely no evidence backing up their claims. That'd be like me opening an art museum and saying the paintings inside were done by Jackson Pollock, Renee Magrit, and Salvador Dali, with no signatures on them.