Crime Ridden Memphis

I've seen the videos, this young man is in another world rn. What are you doing to your young people America?

Drugging many of them. Anti depressants and pain killers have the ability to turn people into psycho killers. All or nearly all mass shooters had some kind of prescription for one of these.
I’d bet a large sum there is no father figure in his life

Bet I know where that figure may be.

This country needs more prisons.

Came here to say exactly this.

The linked article said:
He was sentenced to three years but was released on March 16, this year.

Forget throwing money at community colleges and debt forgiveness, there is no level of government handout that is going to prevent these thugs from engaging in activities that should land them in a tiny cell for the rest of their days.
Came here to say exactly this.

Forget throwing money at community colleges and debt forgiveness, there is no level of government handout that is going to prevent these thugs from engaging in activities that should land them in a tiny cell for the rest of their days.
Again, keep voting in liberal mayors and get liberal city results.
Again, keep voting in liberal mayors and get liberal city results.

Democrats remind me of someone that keeps sticking their hand into a shoe box to rescue a scorpion. Each time the scorpion promises not to sting them, and every time they hear that promise they want to believe so badly that they stick their hand right back in there and get lit up. Time and time again.

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