Crompton has a concussion

Maybe this will force Clawson to actually lean on the run a little more than 1/3 of the offensive plays?
(WVLT) -- Tennessee quarterback Jonathan Crompton suffered a concussion during Monday night's loss to UCLA, according to
<SCRIPT language=Javascript type=text/javascript>if (self['plpm'] && plpm['Mid-Story Ad']) document.write('<table style=\"float : right;\" border=\"0\"><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\">');if (self['plpm'] && plpm['Mid-Story Ad']){ document.write(plpm['Mid-Story Ad']);} else { if(self['plurp'] && plurp['97']){} else {document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'+Math.random()+'&p=97&c=6500&m=3341&d=119776&pre=%3Ctable+style%3D%22float+%3A+right%3B%22+border%3D%220%22%3E%3Ctbody%3E%3Ctr%3E%3Ctd+align%3D%22center%22+valign%3D%22bottom%22%3E&post=%3C%2Ftd%3E%3C%2Ftr%3E%3C%2Ftbody%3E%3C%2Ftable%3E"></scr'+'ipt>'); } }if (self['plpm'] && plpm['Mid-Story Ad']) document.write('</td></tr></tbody></table>');</SCRIPT>Crompton dressed for practice Wednesday but did not participate; backup quarterback Nick Stephens took the first-team reps. The junior signal-caller is also battling a sore ankle he injured during the preseason, but neither injury is expected to keep him out of the Vols' Sept. 13 meeting with UAB.
"I'm fine," Crompton told reporters after practice Wednesday, ""A little sore, nothing too bad. I'm ready to go."
Crompton and the Vols have an extra week to nurse their physical and emotional wounds following the surprising 27-24 overtime loss to the Bruins. The Sept. 13 game versus the Blazers is their home opener.

That actually means that at some point in that game, this kid was hit so hard, his brain stopped. uhhhhh, Im in Atl, can someone tell Jon that Ga,Fl,Al, Au, are knockin on the door to tear his head clean off!!!!
They are not trying to bump him,or nudge him, or tackle him quitely. They are going to try tear him apart! Can someone on the "Hill" get a clue??????
It's bad when he plays bad and doesnt produce but if he keeps running into our own guys, a BIG BAD UGLY is going to "Crap him out" soon!
If his brain stopped he would not be breathing or his heart would stop beating. I hardly doubt that happened. If anything, the medical staff missed his concussion and he remained in the game.
Somebody more skilled than I am needs to Photoshop this thing up.

TRUTH=He got the concussion from running into Foster in the backfield. No Joke. He played the entire rest of the game with the concussion. Sheds a little light on the game result.

let's not make excuses. he was playing pretty badly the entire game.
Even this situation can be pointed at the staff as a failure and possible future failure.

Howcome the coaches didnt recognize something was very wrong with him? If he had a concussion, tough guy or not, chances are hes going to be blinking alot, rubbing his head, talking funny, or otherwise displaying some kind of signs he's just not right.

Hell, even if they couldnt recognize the injury because there were no signs or he was hiding them, the fact remains you chose your passing game over your running attack when the former aspect of the offense was completely ineffective, and the latter very productive. More throws than runs was simply absurd, bottom line, head injury or not.

Concussions are serious injruries that are all too often taken lightly in all levels of football. So with that in mind...

If I see Crompton starting against UAB, I'm going to assume one of a couple things. Either Phil doesnt give a damn about his kids and is willing to sacrifice a kids health so he can save his job. Because a couple weeks might be "acceptable" in the NFL to allow a guy to recover from this but NOT in the college ranks in my book.

Or there never was a concussion and all this was just damage control to explain some of the piss poor play we saw. They've got to come up with some kind of goat dont they?

Either way, any way, my signature says it all.
Clawson called pass plays on 60%+ of the plays when we were running the ball right down their throats. I think we all know who had a concussion...
Concussions can be a tricky thing. They can linger and give concentration problems for weeks to follow. I don't know the extent of the concussion, but once you get one the next ones come easier. I think that Crompton will be ok, but I dont see him taking any chance at getting hit before the UAB game.

You mean, he might be even less focused?
(WVLT) -- Tennessee quarterback Jonathan Crompton suffered a concussion during Monday night's loss to UCLA, according to
<SCRIPT language=Javascript type=text/javascript>if (self['plpm'] && plpm['Mid-Story Ad']) document.write('<table style=\"float : right;\" border=\"0\"><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\">');if (self['plpm'] && plpm['Mid-Story Ad']){ document.write(plpm['Mid-Story Ad']);} else { if(self['plurp'] && plurp['97']){} else {document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="Javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'+Math.random()+'&p=97&c=6500&m=3341&d=119776&pre=%3Ctable+style%3D%22float+%3A+right%3B%22+border%3D%220%22%3E%3Ctbody%3E%3Ctr%3E%3Ctd+align%3D%22center%22+valign%3D%22bottom%22%3E&post=%3C%2Ftd%3E%3C%2Ftr%3E%3C%2Ftbody%3E%3C%2Ftable%3E"></scr'+'ipt>'); } }if (self['plpm'] && plpm['Mid-Story Ad']) document.write('</td></tr></tbody></table>');</SCRIPT>Crompton dressed for practice Wednesday but did not participate; backup quarterback Nick Stephens took the first-team reps. The junior signal-caller is also battling a sore ankle he injured during the preseason, but neither injury is expected to keep him out of the Vols' Sept. 13 meeting with UAB.
"I'm fine," Crompton told reporters after practice Wednesday, ""A little sore, nothing too bad. I'm ready to go."
Crompton and the Vols have an extra week to nurse their physical and emotional wounds following the surprising 27-24 overtime loss to the Bruins. The Sept. 13 game versus the Blazers is their home opener.

THink it happened when he was banging his head on the ground after lincoln blew that last field goal he was lying on the ground w/ his face in the dirt!!
Sorry Vol mania posted this before i realized you beat me to it. Looks like we were on the same line of thinking!!
Clawson called pass plays on 60%+ of the plays when we were running the ball right down their throats. I think we all know who had a concussion...

clawson had a serious neurological problem during the game but it was not a concussion -- he had his head stuck where the sun does not shine.

i think JC's concussion was in the 2nd half. he took a hit and came up blinking and starry eyed looking like he had just met mike tyson.

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