Cross on the mound for Easter at the baseball game [MOVED]

You think that Kapernick meant to disrespect (based on literally nothing). You also think he changed to kneeling because of the way the public reacted to his sitting (again, based on nothing). You also think that a veteran is lying about Kapernick trying to be more respectful. These ideas cannot coexist.

You cannot even call a fact a fact. Testimony of a conversation is not an opinion. It might be a lie, but it is not an opinion.
Yes they can exist. The act of kneeling is disrespectful when it comes to the flag. He openly said he was protesting police violence against blacks. You're the one having trouble with logic and being naïve to the spin. Everyone knew what he was doing including himself. He tried to spin it when it backfired on him.
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Yes they can exist. The act of kneeling is disrespectful when it comes to the flag. He openly said he was protesting police violence against blacks. You're the one having trouble with logic and being naïve to the spin. Everyone knew what he was doing including himself. He tried to spin it when it backfired on him.

How on earth does that make it a disrespectful act?

Please try to understand. Or don't. I don't care. This is my last post either way.

Still not correct
The US may not have been founded as a "Christian Nation" as in a type of theocracy as some kind've claim, but to think that the thoughts and freedoms contained in the Constitution (that was written by a bunch of protestant Christians) didn't draw the majority of it's inspiration from Christian Moral truths is laughable
How on earth does that make it a disrespectful act?

Please try to understand. Or don't. I don't care. This is my last post either way.

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How on earth does that make it a disrespectful act?

Please try to understand. Or don't. I don't care. This is my last post either way.

View attachment 448702

Do you agree that there is tradition flag etiquette? DO you agree that announcer at most sporting event even give instructions as to what to do? Are you really this dense? Kneeling is fundamentally disrespecting to the flag. "I'm gonna honor the flag, protest police and come up with my own rules as to what is appropriate". Come on man!
Some of the founders were Christians, but a more accurate thing to say is that we were founded by deists. Muslims are deists.
Muslims are deists? That's rich, that's like calling a cat a dog.... Deism is essentially the rejection of organized religion in favor of recognizing that there is a Creator of this world that neither interacts nor cares for it's creation
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The US may not have been founded as a "Christian Nation" as in a type of theocracy as some kind've claim, but to think that the thoughts and freedoms contained in the Constitution (that was written by a bunch of protestant Christians) didn't draw the majority of it's inspiration from Christian Moral truths is laughable
Actually it's not if you read what the FF wrote about it. Their ideas came from throughout history with some pre-dating Christianity. They were actually pretty smart people
Actually it's not if you read what the FF wrote about it. Their ideas came from throughout history with some pre-dating Christianity. They were actually pretty smart people
Lol no need to insult my intelligence, based on what I've read founding fathers were deists but majority if not all were raised in one of the 3 main sects of Protestantism at the time, if I'm wrong let me know
Lol no need to insult my intelligence, based on what I've read founding fathers were deists but majority if not all were raised in one of the 3 main sects of Protestantism at the time, if I'm wrong let me know
there was no insult

Ok but the point was where they got their ideas for our govt. They had access to more books than just the Bible
Muslims are deists? That's rich, that's like calling a cat a dog.... Deism is essentially the rejection of organized religion in favor of recognizing that there is a Creator of this world that neither interacts nor cares for it's creation

Wow, I didn't understand the meaning of deist. I thought it was anybody that believed in God(s). Thanks
It shouldn't have happened.

They could have just as easily put the crescent moon on the mound in honor of Ramadan which is going on right now. Somehow, I don't think those in favor of the cross on the mound for Easter would be quite as enthusiastic for it.
It shouldn't have happened.

They could have just as easily put the crescent moon on the mound in honor of Ramadan which is going on right now. Somehow, I don't think those in favor of the cross on the mound for Easter would be quite as enthusiastic for it.

Related, Ilhan Omar is getting backlash, even being called a bigot, for this tweet.


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