Cuba (The Sleeping Giant)

Many Dominican and Honduran cigars are actually from Cuban seeds taken with the families who fled Cuba in '59 and '60. So Dominicans and Hondurans are probably more true to being Cubans as people once knew them.

A good Honduran is far better than Dominican Imo and you couldn't give me a cigar from a Cuban government owned cigar factory.

I probably wouldn't hate the Castro brothers, including their retarded henchmen Che Guevara, nor even their ideology, near as much if I hadn't worked with Cubans who had escaped their bloody communist terror, while it was still fresh in their minds and heard so many of their individual horror stories.

I don't think any American can imagine the feelings of people who have had to live under such tyranny.

We take freedom for granted.
They've been exporting their population since '59. Strangely enough not much importing of like commodities to the workers' paradise.
They've been exporting their population since '59. Strangely enough not much importing of like commodities to the workers' paradise.

Cuba is the only country in the world with a dunn and bradstreet credit rating worse than Somalia.

If you sell anything to Cuba beter get paid in advance.

If you plan to invest in Cuba don't be too surprised if your property is confiscated later on.
I was referring more to the fact that people are leaving and none have a desire to move to the great workers and peasant utopia.
I was referring more to the fact that people are leaving and none have a desire to move to the great workers and peasant utopia.

And I was looking to the future and the drive to attract capital for the workers paradise.

One of the funnier episodes was when Judah Benjamin, cofounder of code pinko, was down there writing her glowing reports of how swell life is in a marxist paradise but when she wrote something the least bit critical, suggesting a possible improvement, they unceremoniously gave her the boot right off the island.

After the initial exodus at the time of the Castro coup, it's been hard to escape, with the notable episode during the Carter years.

Supposedly Castro was going to release a bunch of people into the welcoming arms of Carter and what we received was mostly the dregs of Cuban society, the criminals and mentally unbalanced.

At first they tried to sell this as letting the few go who didn't love Karl Marx but when the truth began to emerge, Carter said we were willing to take some criminals to gain the release of some political prisoners.

Yeah, well why that may be partially true, most of the political opposition was already dead and what is never mentioned is that there was a healthy dose of undercover Cuban intelligence operatives in the mix.

Not too many people know it but Cuban intelligence is very well respected among other intelligence agencies worldwide.

For instance Juan McLame was interviewed extensively and at length while he was a POW in North Vietnam by a Cuban psychiatrist aka intelligence agent.

Castro Prepares for a U.S. Bail-Out (Part 2)

In July 1960 Castro’s KGB-trained security forces stormed into 5911 U.S. owned businesses in Cuba and stole them all at Soviet gunpoint – $2 billion were heisted from outraged U.S. businessmen and stockholders.

The man who already stole $2 billion from U.S. stockholders, who jailed political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin and murdered them at a higher rate pre-war Hitler, who came closest of anyone in history to nuking us, who right before 9/11 stood arm in arm with Iranian Mullah’s bellowing, “together Iran and Cuba can bring America to her knees!” —this blood-drenched thief, tyrant and megalomaniac, it seems to many, doesn’t really deserve a U.S. bail-out.

“Cuba’s Elvis!” (Dan Rather’s term for Fidel Castro)

I think we all know what a discredited liar Dan Blather turned out to be, too bad he wasn't outed back in the '50s when he was touting Fidel as the best thing since peanut butter.

“One Helluva Guy!” (Ted Turner’s term for Fidel Castro)

Has the Communist News Network changed one whit since Ted sold it?? Personally I think it is just really stupid to habitually follow CNN talking points. I mean totally idiotic!!

“Castro is very selfless and moral!” (Assures his friend Oliver Stone.)

That one statement tells you everything you ever need to know about Oliver Stone.

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