Culinary, Arts, Thread.

Did you see my edit? I screwed up dammit. I'm allowed. K?
Actually I did after I posted, but still felt good to see I’m not the only one in the “” crowd, still have a long way to catch up to me.
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@volwindy have you thought about making desserts and selling them out of your house? I have a friend who sells goodies from her home. She has a Facebook page for her home bakery business.
@volwindy have you thought about making desserts and selling them out of your house? I have a friend who sells goodies from her home. She has a Facebook page for her home bakery business.
My dream would be to have my own bakery/cake decorating shop. However, that means I would have to give up weekends and then deal with complaints. So I'll just deal with doing things for family/friends.
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