Culinary, Arts, Thread.

I think the problem with coming up with a good name for you is you haven't been here in the Zone long enough to say or do anything really stupid yet for us to make fun of. I mean, I don't really know anything about you. Are you male or female? Gay or straight? Do you like midget porn? Have ever seen TRM neckit? Is there anyone here you really don't like? Alba, Simpson or Biel?

Who doesn't like midget porn?
I'd love to just out of curiosity. It's got to be better than stank Ass liver.
My company has invested quite a bit of capital in them -- and their stock has done quite well since going public. I don't understand.
My company has invested quite a bit of capital in them -- and their stock has done quite well since going public. I don't understand.

World is full of people who don't eat meat and this is an alternative. Lot of people that aren't vegetarian or vegan will eat it just to feel like they're helping, some will eat it occasionally for the same reason.
I've been postin' to VN for 4+ years. Narrow-minded belligerents like Behr and his hangers-on may troll me. I'm not mad or tired. I could keep on postin' to VN for years to come.

Where do you get them from?
A place called Miller's Grocery near Murfreesboro has really good ones. But, I've had them from several different places. I'll sometimes cook them myself's been a while tho!
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I think the problem with coming up with a good name for you is you haven't been here in the Zone long enough to say or do anything really stupid yet for us to make fun of. I mean, I don't really know anything about you. Are you male or female? Gay or straight? Do you like midget porn? Have ever seen TRM neckit? Is there anyone here you really don't like? Alba, Simpson or Biel?
In one statement I can answer most of your questions. "I'll take all 3 of them at the same time." Actually that doesn't answer anything does it?

I try not to do anything too stupid, I delete way more than I actually ever post.

Good nicknames are always spontaneous and usually very fitting. I'm in no hurry, a good one will come along. In the meantime you can call me whore refrigerator

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