Him showing a little fire and emotion is exactly what this team needs. Does it need to come in the form of getting a technical? Not necesarrily, but it would definitely be a start. He never takes a stand for his players during games. Stokes gets officiated like he's Shaq or something. People run into him fall down and he gets the foul. At some point as a coach you have to stand up for him. This team consistenly comes out and plays "flat". You can argue that this is the cause of many different things, but when it is as consistent of a problem as it is for us at some point you have to point the finger at the coach. The way we came out against NC State is a direct reflection of our coach's attitude and demeanor. I love that he preaches being in constant control, but you can still be in control and show a little emotion. The last thing I will say about technicals is...Look at the two coaches with the most wins ever in men's basketball...Coach K and Coach Knight....I guarantee you that if stats were kept on how many technicals coaches were whistled for the two of them would be at or near the top. And many times after they get those technicals the calls in the game start to go there way. It is a strategic move that some coaches take to their advantage. Is it something I want to see Cuonzo start doing all the time? No. Do I want to see Cuonzo start throwing chairs across TBA? No. But for crying out loud a little emotion would go a long, long way.