Cuonzo said he tried to get a technical

Just use the words Crash Davis used to get tossed...rhymes with blockpucker

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I've seen coaches ***** out the bench while his team is on the floor sucking. I suppose this is their attempt to blow off steam/fire up the team and not directed at the zebras. At least it shows some fire in the pants.

Martin = Wade the fade Houston part 2.

I recall the crowd getting excited when Wade removed his jacket during the game. :birgits_giggle:
I will never understand the comparisons between Martin and Buzz Peterson because Buzz had two losing seasons and three losing conference records. But, I will give Buzz the edge in one category- emotion. I distinctly remember a game at South Carolina that may have been one of the worst officiated games I have ever seen. We didn't have a chance once we stepped on the floor. Buzz went crazy and got tossed. His tenure wasn't good, but I was proud of him at that moment.
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I'd like to see Cuonzo show some emotion during the games. Maybe he will start lighting a fire under them, and get them going.
Maybe he knew our only chance to win, was if he got kicked out. But he couldn't even win that battle.
I will never understand the comparisons between Martin and Buzz Peterson because Buzz had two losing seasons and three losing conference records. But, I will give Buzz the edge in one category- emotion. I distinctly remember a game at South Carolina that may have been one of the worst officiated games I have ever seen. We didn't have a chance once we stepped on the floor. Buzz went crazy and got tossed. His tenure wasn't good, but I was proud of him at that moment.

I would rate them the same on being able to talk. Martin mumbles and his voice is low so you can't understand him. Peterson had sort of a slight speech impediment (or maybe he was just nervous) and with his thicker Southern accent many times I couldn't understand him either.

I agree on the emotion though. Peterson sucked at coaching but he was funny to watch sometimes on the sideline. I remember his last game in the SECT. He went off on Dane Bradshaw and started jumping up and down like a little kid, stomping his feet every time he landed. And his face was bright red.
Regardless of CCM wanting a technical which wouldn't have helped. He needed to have this team ready to play in the first half. He didn't and this is not the first want be the last since he has been here.
I imagine the ref was bored out of his mind while Cuonzo was "trying to get a tech". I'm sure that's why he walked away.......he didn't want to fall asleep on the floor.

ZING! So true...he sure puts me to sleep listening to him. Nice guy, bad coach. Buzz Book II
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Him showing a little fire and emotion is exactly what this team needs. Does it need to come in the form of getting a technical? Not necesarrily, but it would definitely be a start. He never takes a stand for his players during games. Stokes gets officiated like he's Shaq or something. People run into him fall down and he gets the foul. At some point as a coach you have to stand up for him. This team consistenly comes out and plays "flat". You can argue that this is the cause of many different things, but when it is as consistent of a problem as it is for us at some point you have to point the finger at the coach. The way we came out against NC State is a direct reflection of our coach's attitude and demeanor. I love that he preaches being in constant control, but you can still be in control and show a little emotion. The last thing I will say about technicals is...Look at the two coaches with the most wins ever in men's basketball...Coach K and Coach Knight....I guarantee you that if stats were kept on how many technicals coaches were whistled for the two of them would be at or near the top. And many times after they get those technicals the calls in the game start to go there way. It is a strategic move that some coaches take to their advantage. Is it something I want to see Cuonzo start doing all the time? No. Do I want to see Cuonzo start throwing chairs across TBA? No. But for crying out loud a little emotion would go a long, long way.
This is spot on and I would just opine that I swear I have never seen a more emotionless coach than Martin. I have a theory about that and it's if you beat cancer then life is a bowl of cherries. I am thankful he beat the disease but I honestly believe he is in the wrong profession. He would make a good clergy. His attitude towards fans and players expresses an I don't give a crap attitude.
Regardless of CCM wanting a technical which wouldn't have helped. He needed to have this team ready to play in the first half. He didn't and this is not the first want be the last since he has been here.

I agree. Right now he needs to be concerned with Morehead St. and the 3 post players that are 6' 10" or taller. I knew going in that height would be a problem for us
this year and that 6' 11" center that weights 265#s will not be easy to push around.
The ref was smart enough to realize that forcing Martin to watch the rest of the game with his "offense" was far more punishment that giving him an early exit.

Well played ref.
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