Curt Maggitt

Well, if he keeps his prayer life active and ask the Lord to walk him, somebody's bell is already ringing.
Yes. I am a Christian and have been baptized. They just don't hand those records out to anyone

i can't imagine a church has them laying out on the welcome desk. However, they should be accesible to anyone who wants to inquire. They might not give you a piece of paper, but should be confirmed by someone. I mean did John make a paper record of Jesus' baptism and file it in the cabinet? No, but he'd probably confirm the event if you asked him.
This is great news!! I would rather read about a football playing getting baptized that getting arrested.
Wow thats great! With all the news of football players getting arrested, doing drugs, drinking, DUI's etc.. this is very welcomed news. Maybe he can be a leader and an influence on other members of the team.

Thanks for sharing.
to clarify, the most important decision was salvaiton in the Lord Jesus Christ.

the baptism is important because it shows obedience to Christ, and is a public act to identify oneself with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In case anyone was wondering, the posters are referring to the decision of salvation as the most important. Baptism, or any other work, can not get anyone to heaven.

Yes, thanks I should have clarified that.:good!:

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