Cut to NC State?

What makes anyone think Trooper is ready to be the OC? He is a great motivator and a good position coach. Let's give him a few years or we will end up like Ole Miss with Coach O. He can motivate and get the players fired up but what about game day coaching.
What makes anyone think Trooper is ready to be the OC? He is a great motivator and a good position coach. Let's give him a few years or we will end up like Ole Miss with Coach O. He can motivate and get the players fired up but what about game day coaching.

What makes you think he isn't ready?

Do you have any clue what he does or does not do on gameday? He's been an assistant coach for 15 years, would you have him wait till he had been doing it for 20 years to be ready?
Has he ever called plays? Has he done anything other than recruit or coach backs/receivers? Take things slow. I like him a lot but personality only gets you so far. A lot of likable coaches have been disasters as Coordinators and Head Coaches
So, no, you don't know what he does or doesn't do on gameday. You just don't think he would be a good coordinator because he's got a good personality.

As long as we are clear on that.
Does he call plays? Does he create a gameplan? I am not saying that he shouldn't get a shot if he has the mind for it but a lot of people are enamored with him because of his emotion.
it's not worth the argument bennett. I don't think TT will be our next OC either way.
I asked you what you knew about his duties.

I know what he does here. I don't know what all he did the other 12 years he coached. Knowing what I know though, he certainly wouldn't be any worse than Randy in my opinion.

Here he is involved in signalling plays (which means he knows the playbook). He is also fairly well invovled in the creation of the pre-game game planning. Obviously if game occurances dictate change, then David makes those calls without checking with Trooper but he is involved in planning.

I know what you are saying. People like him. I also know that some people DON'T like him simply because so many other fans do. There are people that use his popularity against him.

Don't leave him out to dry simply because people like him. If David does leave, Trooper may very well get a look at Coordinator.
Thank you for the info. Seriously, if he is that involved than I stand corrected. Unfortunately I agree this maybe a moot point.
i'm not leaving him out to dry because people like him. i'm leaving him "out to dry" because he hasn't proven himself as anything more than a position coach. big deal. At a school with as much football pride, prestige, and tradition as UT, you get someone you know can get the job done. Get over your lovefest w/ the coaching staff and realize to get the change we need we need someone from outside the program.
i'm not leaving him out to dry because people like him. i'm leaving him "out to dry" because he hasn't proven himself as anything more than a position coach. big deal. At a school with as much football pride, prestige, and tradition as UT, you get someone you know can get the job done. Get over your lovefest w/ the coaching staff and realize to get the change we need we need someone from outside the program.

Sorry, I missed you at the last coaches meeting when they gave out the report cards on the staff.

Why don't you get over your hatefest and admit you know nothing about the inner goings on of this team and that you aren't qualified to say that Trooper hasn't "proven" himself. He's had the most productive units the last two seasons on the team, which is his job.

I know because I support him, you and others automatically have to hate him, but give me a break.
Sorry, I missed you at the last coaches meeting when they gave out the report cards on the staff.

Why don't you get over your hatefest and admit you know nothing about the inner goings on of this team and that you aren't qualified to say that Trooper hasn't "proven" himself. He's had the most productive units the last two seasons on the team, which is his job.

I know because I support him, you and others automatically have to hate him, but give me a break.

you have to be the most one sided biased person i've ever dealt with. i never said i hate TT. I just don't think Tennessee needs to worry about will a never tested coach make it as on OC. you really are a different character. making assumptions on my opinion of trooper taylor simply because he's not who i want as a possible replacement for David Cutcliffe makes no sense at all.
I didn't mean your hate of Trooper, I meant your hate of anything I am for.

i'm just tired of you trashing other people for having different ideas than you. we can debate this all you want, but then you go out crying call us negavols and that we're not real fans, or saying we make personal attacks on people. Just cuz I'm not a fan of our current coaching staff's way of coaching shows nothing of my feelings for them personally or that I am not a Volunteer. Just please realize that. Like Hillbilly I think i'm done discussing this, because you're so irrational
You're making things up.

I didn't call you a negavol.

I didn't say you made a personal attack.

You are creating things in your mind....just like VH and others.

Simply because I disagree with people and stand up for myself doesn't mean that I am trashing anyone.
Eh, I don't mean anything personal, just that ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN when you Negs get together.

remember that? also you have used all those other terms lumping all us non fulmerites into one group.
What would you call somebody who is kind of in the middle of Fulmerite and NegaVol?

I didn't come up with Fulmerites and NegaVols. They are the board-wide terms.

In my opinion if you don't want to be known as a Vol that is negative.....don't be a Vol that is negative.

Look, I don't "worship" Fulmer. There are things he does that I don't agree with. I am not happy when we lose. It's funny, when I post a disagreement, that never gets mentioned by those that despise me. I don't whine about people thinking I am a worshiper of Fulmer, I embrace it and have fun with it.

Don't let things get to you bill. It's not worth it.
Does he call plays? Does he create a gameplan? I am not saying that he shouldn't get a shot if he has the mind for it but a lot of people are enamored with him because of his emotion.
I specifically asked because I was hoping someone specifically knew whether he was ready or not. Someone is going to give him a shot and if he IS ready that someone better be the Vols.

I didn't come up with Fulmerites and NegaVols. They are the board-wide terms.

In my opinion if you don't want to be known as a Vol that is negative.....don't be a Vol that is negative.

Look, I don't "worship" Fulmer. There are things he does that I don't agree with. I am not happy when we lose. It's funny, when I post a disagreement, that never gets mentioned by those that despise me. I don't whine about people thinking I am a worshiper of Fulmer, I embrace it and have fun with it.

Don't let things get to you bill. It's not worth it.
Soon the posse will be after you LOL
but FOR THE LAST TIME. i'm not negative because i want to see greater things for our football team. and saying it's all about your heart of hearts isn't a personal attack, it's simply stating that is your opinion, not a fact.
Funny how every thread breaks down into OrangeSquare worshipping the coaches because he knows them, and branding people that dont agree with them as uninformed, disconnected, or just plain out wrong.

Take off the orange shades. It would do your credibility some good.
Nothing against Trooper, but I'd prefer a proven offensive coordinator if we are going to get a new one. Sanders was very knowlegable of the playbook, and the positions he coached did very well when he was a position coach. Based on that, you might think he would be a great fit. I fear Trooper could be a repeat. I would like to keep him on the staff, though.

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