A good way to save a few $ would be to get the hell out of Germany, Korea, Japan, Italy, Brazil, Spain, Greece, Bahrain, Kosovo, Australia, Bulgaria, Singapore, Kygyzstan, Netherlands, Philippines, Portugal, Turkey, etc.
Sounds like you're a national defense genius. Maybe it's the TSS bullshiz you so often throw out.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Why remove all global presence over a few $? Sounds shortsighted and strategically stupid. I'd rather can the stateside bases and all of their attendant costs.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Sorry, what's TSS?
Please explain to me how a base in Germany is in my best interest. If I recall correctly, you have a degree in Econ. I just don't see how this is feasible if you conduct cost benefit analysis. We are protecting ourselves against unlikely hypothetical risks, and spending a ****load doing it.
Yeah, that's a good strategy if you are interested in policing the world and not actual national defense.
1. reduce the number of overseas bases, especially those with Cold War origins
2. reduce the number of carrier battle groups
3. figure out a way to combine the National Guard and Reserves
4. begin offering early retirement to E5 and above with at least 15 years of quality service.
5. speed up the planned obsolescence of planes, ships and submarines
It depends on your view of foreign policy. If one takes a Wilsonian approach, your statement holds some water. If one takes a Roosevelt approach (Teddy), which was borne of Raison d'Etat and Realpolitik, then your statement holds absolutely no water.
Without the USSR, foreign policy and most national defense, according to a Roosevelt school statesman, will depend upon a balance of power. Our presence in Europe is crucial in maintaining that balance of power.
Of course, I am neither Wilsonian nor Roosevelt schooled, I choose to take a Kantian approach. That said, I would argue that it be best to get rid of said bases; however, that would be in the best interest of Kantian Morality, not in the best interest of National Defense.
I'd argue in the world of nuclear powers, major wars are a thing of the past.
I prefer Washingtonian foreign policy. I'll have to explore Kantian morality. Never heard of it.
Brief breakdown of Kantian Morality: the judgment of the righteousness of an act lies within the act itself, without regard to the consequences.
For more in depth study, I would suggest Kant's The Groundwork of Metaphysical Morality.
With 230,000 permanently assigned overseas there has to be room for huge cuts here. Do we really need 75,000 US military stationed in Germany? Don't think so. I see more benefit having them stationed stateside & spending that pay in TX, NC, FL, GA, TN....etc rather in Germany or Japan or Korea or England.