That's fair, but that's an argument against how you say unions function not whether they should function.
We deregulated derivatives? Sounds like you're reading the lefty BS points of the day.
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Union Accounting 101:
Uneducated, unmotivated workers
aging workforce
unfunded pensions
dying industries
Ed... if you are such a fan of Unions, are you going to join one when/if you graduate?
Do you know if that Union cant find you a job, and you want to go work at McD's flipping burgers, you are blackballed from the Union and any "benefits" are revoked
I believe unions were necessary in there infancy. The day an employee had to give up a part of their paycheck for what represented a voice to be heard by management is the day they died.
Unions are nothing more than politicians these days.
I thought it was a phase everyone went through in their late teens, and quickly moved on from. Guess not.
Real funny when they don't even consider lowering the defense budget.
Double major in economics and accounting father is an economist. Would you like to give your credentials.
Libertarians are overwhelmingly white and at least middle class. Often times kids in private school and health insurance through their work. They want the government to provide only things they need like a military or police protection. They consider it outrageous the government could do healthcare or education cause they already got theirs.
Edit: Apparently they don't mind government run universities either.
To some extent credentials are tangental but since you asked, 3 degrees in business including and MBA and PhD. I'm sure I've taken more econ (undergrad and grad) than you but as I said that is tangental.
You've made claims that Bush tax cuts caused the recession but have shown no causal linkage between tax cuts and recessions in general nor for this one in particular. Ironically, tax cuts are often used as fiscal policy to ease recessions yet you imply they caused this recession then get a mix between pissy and high and mighty (credentials) when asked to show the causal chain.
Likewise, you use the vague term "deregulation" as a cause. You've been asked to specify which specific deregulatory moves led to this recession and again fall back on Econ 101.
I doubt your dad could get away with such generalized statements. Put up with specifics or admit you've just heard that Rs did it so you believe it to be true.
Libertarians are overwhelmingly white and at least middle class. Often times kids in private school and health insurance through their work. They want the government to provide only things they need like a military or police protection. They consider it outrageous the government could do healthcare or education cause they already got theirs.
Edit: Apparently they don't mind government run universities either.
What a steaming pile of nonsense on many levels. 1. I've given two specific deregulatory acts. 2. The hell, you want me to show a causal link? I should write some 600 page economic report on a college football blog? Interesting I'm the only one expected to show a causal link. 3. "tax cuts are used to ease recessions" with great success huh.
The dude would be disappointed.
Are tax cuts recommended and used as a tool during recessionary periods yes or no?
If yes, why would cutting taxes cause a recession (as you claimed).
No need for a 600 page report - explain the mechanism; you could do it in a paragraph if you knew the answer.
Doesn't really have anything to do with polisci. Any part of that in particular you'd like to disagree with.
How would you suggest they pay for legal representation. Wal-mart and Microsoft all have lawyers too who do you think pays for that? The employees and the the consumers unknowingly pay for it. Nothing is free.
Causal link RE the depression. The expansion of Fannie and Freddie shielded lenders from the full risk of their loans thus encouraging more risky loans. Coupled with easy money from the Fed (historically low interest rates) and government policies (clinton and dems equally with bush and repubs) encouraged even riskier loans without proper risk identification. Attempts to increase oversight of F&F were thwarted by Dems. Together these contributed to a housing bubble built on bad loans that were incentivized by govt policy of as much Dem's making as Reps making.
That didn't take 600 pages now did it? Not the only cause but significant factors in the current situation.
and the idealistic college student from a middle-class family who has yet to hold a real job yet is convinced the system is not fair and people need a handout just to keep up with the big, bad corporations. See how easy this can be?
More deflectionary nonsense. i claimed that tax cuts for the wealthy caused unprecedented income inequality(I'd love for you to debate that), and that deregulation of the financial sector was in large part responsible for the recession. I was even kind enough to point out two specific deregulatory acts(despite you saying otherwise) and linked it the fall of Bear etc..
2. The Bush tax cuts that even during expansion created no gains or negative gains in income for the majority of the country ( first time in American History), and then started the worst recession in 80 years.
don't watch Beck. what parts are wrong?