Daily Dose of Delusion, Part III

How do UF's graduate programs stack up against UT's? Personally, I think it is much smarter to save some money by going to a more affordable undergrad school and then spending the big bucks on a graduate degree. Thus, for me, graduate programs are a better measuring stick of a university's academics.

I should probably abstain from this discussion.
Actually, Lawgator1 your wrong, I happen to attend the Univ. of Tenn. and they have ranked nationally in the top 40 best public schools. And why you say I know this? It's because they post it all over the place go to utk.edu and find out the info. yourself and stop thinking that Florida has been a dominant superpower for hundreds of years because it has not.
Actually, Lawgator1 your wrong, I happen to attend the Univ. of Tenn. and they have ranked nationally in the top 40 best public schools. And why you say I know this? It's because they post it all over the place go to utk.edu and find out the info. yourself and stop thinking that Florida has been a dominant superpower for hundreds of years because it has not.

That's a pretty awesome pic in your avatar.
First, my apologies in advance that I won't be around for most of the day Thursday to participate in the follow-up to this post. Truth be told, that may be a good thing for all of us. So I'm posting this now in hopes that by the time I get back to it the site has crashed.

It occurred to me as I read all the threads and posts over the last few days that we all keep speaking in terms of who we want to win and why, or more often, who we think will win and why. What we have not discussed is who ought to win and why. And by that I mean who deserves to win, who is in the better moral position to benefit from, or claim moral entitlement to, the win?

There are many measures for such a question. We could seek out and compare the background hardships of the players, we could discuss the tragedies that have befallen the families of coaches and staffs over the years, and we could contrast the different missions of the programs at this point in time.

It seems to me that the only valid objective measue of who deserves to win must be based on the fact that this is a college athletic event. And therefore the proper measure of a moral claim to victory is who has the better school academically.

This is a very easy proposition because it just so turns out that the University of Florida is an absurdly better school than the University of Tennessee. Let's compare, shall we?

According to US NEWS & WORLD REPORT, UF ranks as the 47th best school in the U.S. UT ranks 88th, right behind the University of Tulsa. Seriously, the University of Tulsa.

Furthermore, as of 1999 (the last year for which I could find stats) the University of Florida ranked eighth among ALL universities in the number of National Merit scholars. And this made them third among public universities. UT was 76th, right behind -- dare I say it -- the University of Mississippi.

I will leave it to others to find their own numbers on this point. But I think the USN&WR ranking and the National Merit Scholars ranking are pretty much the sina qua non of ranking schools academically and are widely regarded as the two best measures available for this task.

And so, with only one daily dose of reality part to go until game day, I say simply this:

The University of Florida morally deserves to win on Saturday.

Q:The most prestigious award in academia?
A: Nobel Prize.

Q:Which of these schools has a Nobel Laureate?
A:The University of Tennessee.

Btw, I'll be proudly wearing that Tennessee Football tshirt you sent me this saturday LawGator...I suppose we'll keep you around.
LawGator, dear Lawgator...you are clearly intelligent, and I have enjoyed, nay admired at times, your affinity and capacity for digging beneath the average fan's simple hoorah. But in thine unfortunate thread, my reptilian friend, thou hast passed right over the most basic and fundamental truths that define sports and the heart of the athlete.

Who deserves to win this or any gridiron battle? Tis not the moral fiber, intellectual prowess or academic dedication of the warriors on the field that brings one team closer to victory or merits it for one team over another. Indeed, these otherwise excellent attributes are left behind gladly and deliberately when the football sails the glorious fall sky for first kick. This is why we passively celebrate the misguided off-the-field antics of our athletes, our warriors. We snicker at the decadent behavior of these men, when we might feel shame over the same things if it were a member of our family; we forgive them and hail them because they are our heroes and bring us a peculiar vicarious joy when they score points for our beloved team(s).

I'm not sure, even if you were an Orange brethren that I would enjoy sitting with you at Neyland Stadium to root on my team, your having put forth such a misfounded argument as that above - (look for LawGator at the game, he'll be the one penciling notes in a book by Fromm during the coach's challenge!)

Put simply, football at its truest and most fundamental level, is not a game that requires even considering the moral or intellectual attributes of its participants. Which team deserves to win? Who deserves to win more - Tennessee or Florida? The answer is simple in my book...it is the group of warriors who bring the greatest hearts, the most guts and the greatest determination to the field on Saturday...on ANY Saturday. This, my friend, is all that football is...all that football NEEDS to be.

Finally, I will go out on a limb and suggest that, although I sense you are generally welcome around our board as a long time member who has been mostly respectful of our love for our team, I think it is a little strange that you choose to spend such a great deal of time perusing and posting on the messageboard of your team's great nemisis. Or maybe it's not so strange...I suppose it helps to reaffirm my strong and long held belief that...IN THE HEART OF EVERY GATOR, THERE'S A VOLUNTEER FIGHTING TO GET OUT!!

Go Big Orange!
According to US NEWS & WORLD REPORT, UF ranks as the 47th best school in the U.S. UT ranks 88th, right behind the University of Tulsa. Seriously, the University of Tulsa.

The University of Florida morally deserves to win on Saturday.

So based on your analysis, Vandy deserves go undefeated and win the SEC every year. The NC should be Harvard vs Yale or MIT.
LIO, am I not correct in saying that National Merit Scholars are determined by how they do on the SAT in high school? The award has nothing to do with the university they attend. Even smart kids make mistakes.

It would appear that the moral high ground is eroding at an alarming rate.
Considering that the SAT is not the required exam for entrance into UT (the ACT is) of course there are going to be more National Merit Scholars at Florida.
Obviously the academic people who decide college rankings didn't notice that lawgator received a degree from Florida and thus greatly reducing their ranking.
And yet, no one so far argues with either the facts or the logic..... Interesting turn of events.... I am off!! See everyone tomorrow.

You recommended stilts yesterday and I declined that option. So I am stuck at work with crap all over my shoes.
Nope... even worse. National Merit is decided by the PSAT. Usually taken as HS sophomores.

I think that you are both right and wrong :). Qualification for the national merit...which is essentially being a semifinalist (I think) is based on the PSAT. However, you have to submit SAT scores before the finalists are decided. Darn me for having to be right and not letting a good joke go undisturbed!!!
So based on your analysis, Vandy deserves go undefeated and win the SEC every year. The NC should be Harvard vs Yale or MIT.

As a current MIT student, I would be fine with that...bring on the NC baby ... I'm perfectly willing to share one with the (real) UT. So, we're all in agreement then? If UT loses at some point in the season then by default MIT gets the NC...otherwise, for an undefeated season, MIT and UT share it? Sweet. :dance2:

Oh wait....or was that a sarcastic post? Man.....crap :cray:
The abject stupidity of lawgators post cannot be measured with existing technology.
And yet, no one so far argues with either the facts or the logic..... Interesting turn of events.... I am off!! See everyone tomorrow.

I'll go for the logic angle. The morality of education deals with moving people from one level of eduation to another. While UF may have a higher academic ranking, we don't know that the students there actually "learn" more. As in the case with the Ivy League, selective standards ensure that only those that are already well-educated can attend.

In other words, UCF or FAMU may actually be "morally" superior to UF if they're students actually attain a higher jump in education while there.

I'll go for the logic angle.

Don't fall for that. :) He is attempting to apply logic and reason where none actually exists.

The Cal fans used the same tactic. It was baseless then, though probably more factually based than an academic peeing contest with the U of F.
In other words, UCF or FAMU may actually be "morally" superior to UF if they're students actually attain a higher jump in education while there.

do my eyes decieve me or did I really just see FAMU and higher education in the same sentence...that had better be a reference to pharmacy or engineering b/c other than those that place is a hole....just one of many proof's (since this is lawgator's thread)-the lowest bar passage rate of law school graduates of any school in the country.
I think the absence of logic in this thread has jinxed the Gators. As a UF alum, I will hold lawgator personally responsible should we lose.

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