First, my apologies in advance that I won't be around for most of the day Thursday to participate in the follow-up to this post. Truth be told, that may be a good thing for all of us. So I'm posting this now in hopes that by the time I get back to it the site has crashed.
It occurred to me as I read all the threads and posts over the last few days that we all keep speaking in terms of who we want to win and why, or more often, who we think will win and why. What we have not discussed is who ought to win and why. And by that I mean who deserves to win, who is in the better moral position to benefit from, or claim moral entitlement to, the win?
There are many measures for such a question. We could seek out and compare the background hardships of the players, we could discuss the tragedies that have befallen the families of coaches and staffs over the years, and we could contrast the different missions of the programs at this point in time.
It seems to me that the only valid objective measue of who deserves to win must be based on the fact that this is a college athletic event. And therefore the proper measure of a moral claim to victory is who has the better school academically.
This is a very easy proposition because it just so turns out that the University of Florida is an absurdly better school than the University of Tennessee. Let's compare, shall we?
According to US NEWS & WORLD REPORT, UF ranks as the 47th best school in the U.S. UT ranks 88th, right behind the University of Tulsa. Seriously, the University of Tulsa.
Furthermore, as of 1999 (the last year for which I could find stats) the University of Florida ranked eighth among ALL universities in the number of National Merit scholars. And this made them third among public universities. UT was 76th, right behind -- dare I say it -- the University of Mississippi.
I will leave it to others to find their own numbers on this point. But I think the USN&WR ranking and the National Merit Scholars ranking are pretty much the sina qua non of ranking schools academically and are widely regarded as the two best measures available for this task.
And so, with only one daily dose of reality part to go until game day, I say simply this:
The University of Florida morally deserves to win on Saturday.