Daily Dose of Reality, Episode I



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
You Tennessee fans are getting a little carried away with your optimism as we move forward to Saturday. I would not go so far as to say that you don't have cause to be happy about things so far, nor that you shouldn't be hopeful about this weekend's game.

But at the same time, as a group, it is becoming clear that you have simply lost touch with reality. Therefore, for the rest of the week, I present Dose of Reality. Various facts culled from various sources. Feel free to check on them. Might be therapeutic for you to read something other than your own hype.

Today is Episode I: Records and Standings

Florida has won 9 of the last 13 meetings between UT and Florida.

This year, Florida ranks first in the SEC in passing offense (340.5 yards per game) and total offense (514 yards per game) and has converted 70.8 percent of its third-down plays.
You Tennessee fans are getting a little carried away with your optimism as we move forward to Saturday. I would not go so far as to say that you don't have cause to be happy about things so far, nor that you shouldn't be hopeful about this weekend's game.

But at the same time, as a group, it is becoming clear that you have simply lost touch with reality. Therefore, for the rest of the week, I present Dose of Reality. Various facts culled from various sources. Feel free to check on them. Might be therapeutic for you to read something other than your own hype.

Today is Episode I: Records and Standings

Florida has won 9 of the last 13 meetings between UT and Florida.

This year, Florida ranks first in the SEC in passing offense (340.5 yards per game) and total offense (514 yards per game) and has converted 70.8 percent of its third-down plays.
Spurrier is no longer employed by UF, LG!That throws a wrench in that little theory,equation, or whatever it is.
Here's a dose of reality for you . . .

* Tennessee has won 3 of the last 5 games in the series.

* Despite perennial preseason top 10 rankings, Florida has hasn't sniffed an SEC Championship Game in 5+ years.

* Steve Spurrier works in Columbia, SC now . . .
Florida is good, but the Vols are a sleeping giant. I predict that we'll be ranked #5 in teh country after Saturday.
Law Gator here's another dose of reality

So far in Florida's two games which they won, they have played a deaf school, and a jr. high school. Congrats
really. youve played less than stellar defenses

dose of reality
0 - times ainge has been on the ground
1 - ainge in passing efficiency in the country
2 - meacham in receiving yards in the country
3 - ainge in passing yards in the country
14 - games since someone last rushed for over 100 yards
UT leads series 19-16

while all the hype is with leake....ainge in week 1 was national player of the week and in week 2 was SEC player of the week. I suspect you will hear his name mentioned with the heisman race after putting up 300+ on that gator secondary.
Counter Dose of Reality:

Florida's last opponent ranks 111th in Total Offense and 118th in pass defense.


BTW - Tennessee ranks #1 in the country in passing efficiency.
Here is another dose of reality.

The "urban" offense works in Utah.

The "urdan" offense doesn't work down South.
LG, can you keep them all in this thread so I don't have to read them?
Would have to agree with other posters. You racked up passing yards vs two schools that were pretty weak. Just as I wouldn't use stats we may rack up vs KY to base our season performance against for future games.

You have a point on past record past that is exactly what it is. Past record. Just as our home record was in question before we played CAL. Past record.

I myself am not getting carried away. I have no illusions of spanking UF but do think it will be a close good ballgame.
LG, nice post.

However, do you really think games from 1997 and 2000 matter NOW? The teams are different.

Oh, and Southern Miss and UCF ranked 70 and 89, respectively, last season in pass efficiency defense. Tennessee was 29.
Dose of Reality?

Florida's last 10 win season? 2001

Last SEC East Title? 2000

Florida has lost 5 games in 3 of their last 4 seasons.

There's no question that this UT board is full of optimistic Tennessee fans...but I don't think our expectations are any less realistic than those of Florida fans. Your program hasn't achieved any high level of success in more than 5 years, and the man who took you to the promised land is now coaching in South Carolina. Your performance is not what it was in the late 90's (and neither is ours). The point is, we don't need anymore "dose of reality" than you do.
Con. grats. You won aginst two unranked teams at home. Stats will not matter for eather team on Sat. Never saw a stat. run or catch, The real season starts Sat. Good luck the Gators will need it. GO VOLS.
You Tennessee fans are getting a little carried away with your optimism as we move forward to Saturday. I would not go so far as to say that you don't have cause to be happy about things so far, nor that you shouldn't be hopeful about this weekend's game.

But at the same time, as a group, it is becoming clear that you have simply lost touch with reality. Therefore, for the rest of the week, I present Dose of Reality. Various facts culled from various sources. Feel free to check on them. Might be therapeutic for you to read something other than your own hype.

Today is Episode I: Records and Standings

Florida has won 9 of the last 13 meetings between UT and Florida.

This year, Florida ranks first in the SEC in passing offense (340.5 yards per game) and total offense (514 yards per game) and has converted 70.8 percent of its third-down plays.

Thank you Dr. Phil. Your time would be better spent on Oprah.:)
You Tennessee fans are getting a little carried away with your optimism as we move forward to Saturday. I would not go so far as to say that you don't have cause to be happy about things so far, nor that you shouldn't be hopeful about this weekend's game.

But at the same time, as a group, it is becoming clear that you have simply lost touch with reality. Therefore, for the rest of the week, I present Dose of Reality. Various facts culled from various sources. Feel free to check on them. Might be therapeutic for you to read something other than your own hype.

Today is Episode I: Records and Standings

Florida has won 9 of the last 13 meetings between UT and Florida.

This year, Florida ranks first in the SEC in passing offense (340.5 yards per game) and total offense (514 yards per game) and has converted 70.8 percent of its third-down plays.
Please tell me that is not your best attempt at trash talk. If it is, limit your future posts to your usual fare of practice schedules, training table menus and updates on the latest fashions worn by the wife of TCHFCATUFG. Limiting your posts in that manner will save you considerable embarassment.
All of these (okay, just most) are excellent points. I fear that you misunderstood my post. In your haste to explaint to me why Florida ought to save itself from being embarrassed and just not bother to show up for the game, you miss the point. And that is that your haste to offer up these explanations is EXACTLY what dooms you.

Don't you get it? Can't you see?

If you win, that's great. The "I told you so's" will fly at me. But I'm just one guy and I already like you folks. You gain nothing by telling me what I will alreayd know.

But if you lose, MY GOD!! You have put your entire existence it would seem in winning this game and being able to tell me that you told me so. Ask yourselves, what if Florida wins? What if Florida wins by 20?
You Tennessee fans are getting a little carried away with your optimism as we move forward to Saturday. I would not go so far as to say that you don't have cause to be happy about things so far, nor that you shouldn't be hopeful about this weekend's game.

But at the same time, as a group, it is becoming clear that you have simply lost touch with reality. Therefore, for the rest of the week, I present Dose of Reality. Various facts culled from various sources. Feel free to check on them. Might be therapeutic for you to read something other than your own hype.

Today is Episode I: Records and Standings

Florida has won 9 of the last 13 meetings between UT and Florida.

This year, Florida ranks first in the SEC in passing offense (340.5 yards per game) and total offense (514 yards per game) and has converted 70.8 percent of its third-down plays.

LG, you have depressed me. We should probably just forfeit and pray for the Music City Bowl. If you don't mind, and you have the influence, could you ask Urban and the boys to take it easy on us Saturday? We don't need to embarrass anybody by trying in vain to slow down such an incredible offensive juggernaught. If we just quietly sit on the field on 7 out of every 10 3rd down tries, will you guys quick-kick on the other three? That seems fair to me, give or take that .8 percent.
But if you lose, MY GOD!! You have put your entire existence it would seem in winning this game and being able to tell me that you told me so. quote]

It is Florida week, therefore I am. (For all you Descartes fans)
All of these (okay, just most) are excellent points. I fear that you misunderstood my post. In your haste to explaint to me why Florida ought to save itself from being embarrassed and just not bother to show up for the game, you miss the point. And that is that your haste to offer up these explanations is EXACTLY what dooms you.

Don't you get it? Can't you see?

If you win, that's great. The "I told you so's" will fly at me. But I'm just one guy and I already like you folks. You gain nothing by telling me what I will alreayd know.

But if you lose, MY GOD!! You have put your entire existence it would seem in winning this game and being able to tell me that you told me so. Ask yourselves, what if Florida wins? What if Florida wins by 20?
What if the same team that got waxed by Bama last year shows up at Neyland this year?Wax on, Wax off.:)

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