Your assessment of the game this weekend agrees with the experts in Vegas, in so much that they too are calling for a Gator vicotry.
My question is this?
In your view, what will it take for the Vols to upset Florida?
You do realize that the experts in Vegas aren't trying to predict the outcome of the game, they are trying to predict what they believe the average bettor believes will be the outcome of the game.
In this game, given the 3.5 point spread, they felt that in order to get an even number of bets on both sides they needed to spot UT 3.5points. It's based on their assessment of bettors, and modified through the week as the betting continues (that's why a betting line often moves some during the week).
So the average bettor believes that Florida has a good chance of beating UT by about 4 points. The average bettor (not necessarily being affiliated with either team) has the access to pretty much all of the information that anyone on this board has.
Why do you believe that the average bettor is picking Florida to win AT Tennessee?
The answer to that question goes a long way towards answering yours.