I have a B of A that doesn't as well.
As previously stated, most people don't pay off their cards right away. There is a reason that most people use credit cards, because they don't have money in the bank to pay for it. That is how the credit card companies make their money.
I have credit cards, but have chosen to no longer use them because I like the feeling of paying cash for something and not owing money to anyone.
Another good point. And my AMEX doubles the manufacturers warranty on everything I buy.Also, you get consumer protections with a credit card that you don't get with a debit card. Plus, I don't ever want anybody directly accessing my bank account. If you've got a decent rebate card like Sparty is talking about, you've got the money to pay for the item, and you've got the self control of an adult to pay the bill when it comes due, I can't think of a good reason not to use the credit card.
While we're at it, I think Dave is also wrong about stopping retirement savings while paying off debt and insurance in general.
Debt robs cash flow. Cash flow is the main ingredient to building wealth. Get out of debt as fast as possible to gain access to your cash flow as quickly as possible. Most of the people that do their "debt free scream" paid off their huge debts ($75k to $150k) in less than 3 years (I am just basing that off the stories I've heard from listening every day). In the long run, the extra 2-3 years it takes to get out of debt is well worth the cash it frees up month to month for the rest of your life.
That's the thing. Most people cannot pay it off the next billing cycle. His philosophy is to save for things you want, not instant gratification. And if people think they are winning on miles, they are dead wrong. The credit card companies are raking in the money on interest payments.
If you can pay for it with a debit card, you can pay for it with a cc and get the benefits.
Don't really agree on the miles SDV. As a family, we will use 8 plane tickets this year via
SWA. That would've cost me @ $4-5k and I didn't pay for one of them. We put everything on cc and pay it off each month gets me 2 family trips to wherever swa can get us.
Not everyone is loaded like you
I'm not loaded, Mr I just moved back to Whales Vagina, Ca. I paid off cc debt each month when I was making 18k a year.
Tell you what else, I used cc transfer checks to help me get thru my startup. 15k at a time. They charged me 3% transaction fee and I had a year of no interest. I paid it off before the year and only had to pay $450 to use their 15k for a year. I don't know that I could get a loan so easily and have such little expense, even if the bank wouldve given me $
I'm not loaded, Mr I just moved back to Whales Vagina, Ca. I paid off cc debt each month when I was making 18k a year.
Tell you what else, I used cc transfer checks to help me get thru my startup. 15k at a time. They charged me 3% transaction fee and I had a year of no interest. I paid it off before the year and only had to pay $450 to use their 15k for a year. I don't know that I could get a loan so easily and have such little expense, even if the bank wouldve given me $
CC have there place, but 98% of the population doesn't operate that way. These cc company's wouldn't exist if so. They don't make money that way. I find that is what SDV is saying.
Edit to add: 15k on a cc is a huge risk. Very huge. I'm surprised they didn't call and ask for financials.
I realize all that but that's the individual and not the card. I have 4 cc's now with 25k maximum and have to make large purchases often for business. I don't recall an issue other than verification of charges.