Good for you, American Express would call to verify mine sometimes.
OT but what's your line if work?
While we're at it, I think Dave is also wrong about stopping retirement savings while paying off debt and insurance in general.
I like him as a person, but his investing advice is subpar overall.
I listened to him daily when I was a kid cutting grass in the summers. My wife and I were able to pay off college and build a down payment i a little over a year.
I also don't like his advice for a house to be no more than 1/4 of your take home pay on a 15 year mortgage. That may work for single people inNorth Dakota but if you have three or 4 kids in a normal market it is hard to find a decent house with those rules. My wife and I make good money especially for our age, but on a 15 year mortgage we would be just outside his suggestion
Major bump. Just an update to this thread. We just paid off $40K in debt yesterday. Mostly credit cards, with a couple of smaller student loans. The only debt we have left is my law school student loan, which I will now start attacking with a vengeance. Feels so good to get rid of that crap.
My wife had $92k in student loans when we met.
I took them over when we got married. Paid them off last year, took us about 40 months.
Crazy how much of a weight lifted off of us it was. Those things were evil, and the servicing companies were even worse.
Major bump. Just an update to this thread. We just paid off $40K in debt yesterday. Mostly credit cards, with a couple of smaller student loans. The only debt we have left is my law school student loan, which I will now start attacking with a vengeance. Feels so good to get rid of that crap.
That's awesome man! Debt sucks. I think we were paying over $1,000.00 in debt/month of what we just paid off. It had gotten up to over $50K, but we paid some off over the last couple of years.