David Blackburn....Former Vol

Same middle school that my niece went to, and 2nd time they have lost a student in the last 3 years. Definitely sending prayers for Blackburn but also everyone in the Indian Trail family.
My wife has a coworker whose daughter is in her class. I've been debating on sharing what details that I know. But she was sick, went to hospital, sent home with meds for strep and flu. Was worse the next morning, took her back to ER, died in the helicopter on the way to Vandy. I do not know her medical history or any underlying conditions. Really terrible situation.
Awful. Can’t imagine
My wife has a coworker whose daughter is in her class. I've been debating on sharing what details that I know. But she was sick, went to hospital, sent home with meds for strep and flu. Was worse the next morning, took her back to ER, died in the helicopter on the way to Vandy. I do not know her medical history or any underlying conditions. Really terrible situation.

Compromised Immune system would be my guess. Too many Young Kids Dying these days, Too many shots can interfere with our natural Immune systems.
My wife has a coworker whose daughter is in her class. I've been debating on sharing what details that I know. But she was sick, went to hospital, sent home with meds for strep and flu. Was worse the next morning, took her back to ER, died in the helicopter on the way to Vandy. I do not know her medical history or any underlying conditions. Really terrible situation.
Gut-wrenching. My prayers are with them
You don't have the strength. No one does. It's soul crushing and nothing is ever "right" again. You're a broken human being. There's nothing anyone can say or do that will stop the daily tears. Any and everything will evoke a memory that will have you in complete collapse emotionally no matter where you are or who you're with and many marriages don't survive it. You're completely lost and hollow inside. The only thing that saves you is God's mercy and love. Folks who don't have that relationship to hold on to will be in a really bad place.
I used to go to church with an elderly couple, in their 80's years ago, they've both passed since then. Their son, who was older than me now, was killed in a car accident. I'll never forget the way they cried, age didn't matter, that was their little boy. I pray to God my kids bury me, I can't imagine the opposite. Prayers for this family.
Compromised Immune system would be my guess. Too many Young Kids Dying these days, Too many shots can interfere with our natural Immune systems.
Not to be the contrarian here but the vaccines that have been developed are intended to boost our natural immune system to produce the antibodies needed for certain illnesses causes before the exposure can overwhelm the system. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but IMO it serves the vast majority of us well and provides the protection that was intended.
I used to go to church with an elderly couple, in their 80's years ago, they've both passed since then. Their son, who was older than me now, was killed in a car accident. I'll never forget the way they cried, age didn't matter, that was their little boy. I pray to God my kids bury me, I can't imagine the opposite. Prayers for this family.
Indeed. No matter the age, for a parent to bury a child is unnatural and devastating. If there's one blessing for that couple, it's that their time on this earth without their son wasn't as long as it could have been so if all were believers, they're reunited sooner rather than later. For someone who's lost a younger child, time can't pass quickly enough. You look forward to the home going and being reunited.
Man this hit me pretty hard. I have a 9 year old daughter and the what ifs creep in. My thoughts and prayers are with this Angel and her family this morning. May God give them peace, strength and a whole lot of love. Heartbreaking.
Your fears aren't unreasonable. This is not the same world a man my age grew up in. There are far more threats to children. We used to poke some fun at "overly protective" parents, but these days you cannot be too cautious. Drugs, alcohol, social media, schools, trafficking, etc. Be guarded. Verify. Never let your guard down. Trust but verify. Most important...pray without ceasing.
You don't have the strength. No one does. It's soul crushing and nothing is ever "right" again. You're a broken human being. There's nothing anyone can say or do that will stop the daily tears. Any and everything will evoke a memory that will have you in complete collapse emotionally no matter where you are or who you're with and many marriages don't survive it. You're completely lost and hollow inside. The only thing that saves you is God's mercy and love. Folks who don't have that relationship to hold on to will be in a really bad place.
Been there...and your assessment is correct. Prayers for the family.
I used to go to church with an elderly couple, in their 80's years ago, they've both passed since then. Their son, who was older than me now, was killed in a car accident. I'll never forget the way they cried, age didn't matter, that was their little boy. I pray to God my kids bury me, I can't imagine the opposite. Prayers for this family.
The longer you live, chances increase that you are going to outlive one or more of your kids. My grandmother has already outlived 3 of hers.
I'm sorry for their loss.
Not to be the contrarian here but the vaccines that have been developed are intended to boost our natural immune system to produce the antibodies needed for certain illnesses causes before the exposure can overwhelm the system. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but IMO it serves the vast majority of us well and provides the protection that was intended.
I don't know if there is a vaccine for strep throat. Just doing a quick search, came across this:

"Caused by the group A streptococcus bacteria, strep throat is an infection that requires prompt treatment, particularly in children over the age of 3. Left untreated, strep throat can lead to kidney inflammation or rheumatic fever, a serious illness that can cause stroke and permanent damage to the heart."
The loss of a child is soul crushing. All loss of life is devastating. The reminder is clear - communicate to every one of your loved ones, frequently of your love for them; so that they know their infinite value to you.
Pray for kids protection like their lives depend on it.
Our church prayed a singular prayer for the Blackburn family on Sunday.
A good friend remarked that when people ask her about her children, she leads with "I have one who is in heaven. I also have a 13 year old and a 9 year old." She said it still hurts, but it is a little less every day. But she still gets surprised sometimes.
Not to be the contrarian here but the vaccines that have been developed are intended to boost our natural immune system to produce the antibodies needed for certain illnesses causes before the exposure can overwhelm the system. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but IMO it serves the vast majority of us well and provides the protection that was inten

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