David Blackburn....Former Vol

Not to be the contrarian here but the vaccines that have been developed are intended to boost our natural immune system to produce the antibodies needed for certain illnesses causes before the exposure can overwhelm the system. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but IMO it serves the vast majority of us well and provides the protection that was intended.
Not the place. Keep this as what it should be. A place for condolences.
My wife has a coworker whose daughter is in her class. I've been debating on sharing what details that I know. But she was sick, went to hospital, sent home with meds for strep and flu. Was worse the next morning, took her back to ER, died in the helicopter on the way to Vandy. I do not know her medical history or any underlying conditions. Really terrible situation.
There is a young lady here in town that went through the same thing. Strep turned into sepsis QUICK. She lost both legs, trying to save her arms. It was a miracle she survived.
There is a young lady here in town that went through the same thing. Strep turned into sepsis QUICK. She lost both legs, trying to save her arms.
If you get sick. Don't wait to find out if it is serious. Go to the doctor, already! I know you think you can lick it. And most of the time you will be right. But it is just the once ... that leaves people grieving.
A friend of the family had their teeth cleaned. Next day he developed a cough, but he convinced his wife that it was not that bad. (The next day) his wife and two kids convinced him to go to to the doctor. The doctor immediately ordered an ambulance and rushed him straight to the hospital. He died two days later. Strep by itself and/or with additional factors can kill you. When you get sick ... go to the doctor and make sure that it really is no big deal!!!
My wife has a coworker whose daughter is in her class. I've been debating on sharing what details that I know. But she was sick, went to hospital, sent home with meds for strep and flu. Was worse the next morning, took her back to ER, died in the helicopter on the way to Vandy. I do not know her medical history or any underlying conditions. Really terrible situation.

Wow. Just wow. I have a 15yo daughter and i cannot imagine the depth of pain and despair if something happened to her. She is my baby still and always will be. My wife and i had a miscarriage about a decade ago and it still hurts us, moreso her than me. We remember the date she passed and it is always a sad time. That is not the same as losing a daughter you have raised and bonded with for 14 or 15 years....it just isnt.

If you lose your parents you are an orphan. If you lose your spouse you are a widow, or widower. If you lose a child...theres not a word for that. Its the only thing terrible enough to not have a name. It is every parents worst possible nightmare, what we beg God not to let happen to us. May He bless this family and comfort them in their time of greatest need.
There’s a thread in the political forum to discuss vaccines. I like you and I’m not trying to be that guy, but take it there Please.
For decades challenging existing science was a key component in advancing science.

Now it's political? Sad and scary.
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For decades challenging existing science was a key component in advancing science.

Now it's political? Sad and scary.

It has certainly been turned into a political issue. But there is a thread IN the politics forum. And in no way is this thread the place for it. He can create a thread in the gaming section for all I care as long as it’s not talked about here.
I lost my son a few years ago, reading this has started the tears flowing again.Pain I wish on no one.
It's been four years now, 6/6/2000, since my favorite person in the world said, 'hey dad, I'm just gonna run out and do some errands. When I get back, we'll work on that fence'. Still waiting, bud. I pray to God I'll see you again soon. There is no relief really in this life. God bless this man and his family. Otherwise, there is no hope.
It has certainly been turned into a political issue. But there is a thread IN the politics forum. And in no way is this thread the place for it. He can create a thread in the gaming section for all I care as long as it’s not talked about here.
When Aaron Douglas died, there was a 400+ post thread wanting to know the cause and then looking for blame. And so did Dave and Carla. What’s changed? We should all insist on knowing why a little girl died before her time.

BTW, it’s not political to me. It’s personal. I watched my mom bury her 2 youngest sons. I held her hand as she stood over the grave of her youngest crying “my baby, my baby”. Wanting to know why was important. Your sensitivities don’t interest me.

We should all insist upon knowing why a 14 year old died. If you don’t, you have a political motivation.
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It's been four years now, 6/6/2000, since my favorite person in the world said, 'hey dad, I'm just gonna run out and do some errands. When I get back, we'll work on that fence'. Still waiting, bud. I pray to God I'll see you again soon. There is no relief really in this life. God bless this man and his family. Otherwise, there is no hope.
I pray you have incredible memories that overwhelm this ending.
I don't know if there is a vaccine for strep throat. Just doing a quick search, came across this:

"Caused by the group A streptococcus bacteria, strep throat is an infection that requires prompt treatment, particularly in children over the age of 3. Left untreated, strep throat can lead to kidney inflammation or rheumatic fever, a serious illness that can cause stroke and permanent damage to the heart."
There is no vaccine for strep and in fact most vaccines are developed to fight devastating viral infections with the exception of Hib, and meningococcal as best as I can recall. But prompt and appropriate antibiotic treatment in the case of Streptococcal infections are effective in helping prevent the poststreptococcal responses you have mentioned. And I suspect the reason for no vaccine to this point is that antibiotics are still effective for this illness.
When Aaron Douglas died, there was a 400+ post thread wanting to know the cause and then looking for blame. And so did Dave and Carla. What’s changed? We should all insist on knowing why a little girl died before her time.

BTW, it’s not political to me. It’s personal. I watched my mom bury her 2 youngest sons. I held her hand as she stood over the grave of her youngest crying “my baby, my baby”. Wanting to know why was important. Your sensitivities don’t interest me.

We should all insist upon knowing why a 14 year old died. If you don’t, you have a political motivation.
It's not necessarily your business. It's up to the parents to release that info
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When Aaron Douglas died, there was a 400+ post thread wanting to know the cause and then looking for blame. And so did Dave and Carla. What’s changed? We should all insist on knowing why a little girl died before her time.

BTW, it’s not political to me. It’s personal. I watched my mom bury her 2 youngest sons. I held her hand as she stood over the grave of her youngest crying “my baby, my baby”. Wanting to know why was important. Your sensitivities don’t interest me.

We should all insist upon knowing why a 14 year old died. If you don’t, you have a political motivation.
No one has the right to insist on knowing her cause of death. That is for her parents to share if they so wish. It is NONE of anyone’s business whatsoever. “We should all insist upon knowing.” Get outta here with that. Outrageous!
We should all insist upon knowing why a 14 year old died. If you don’t, you have a political motivation.
No, we shouldnt insist on knowing the personal business of a family that is going through this battle. It is not any business of mine and I have no political motivation for not wanting to know.
Group A strep is a terrible bacteria even with antibiotics readily available to treat it. When I was in basic training many years ago there was an outbreak of strep in several barracks that eventually resulted in one soldier almost losing his leg due to the infection. The Air Force at least as of a few years ago was giving a shot of penicillin to all airman coming into their basic training as a way to prevent strep from spreading among trainees.

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