DC Prediction and Sources Thread

Rucker and the rest of the GVX bunch know as much as the SIDs tell them. They just don't know enough of the right people to get that information. Not any fault of their own, it's just the way it is.
I would put LWS at the very top way way way above others ... but he very rarely speaks.

Then Skeeter.

Then way down there I would put OCI

Me....I am no insider and have stated that from the beginning. even a blind mouse can find cheese once in their life.

Different strokes for different folks. I don't care who's who on here. I value EVERY persons opinion on here. Whether their schtick is getting people to laugh, clown on folks, give great info, or opinions, everyone has their place..& I respect each persons insight. That being said, I really dig what skeeter has to say. LV is my fav poster though, but he up and vanished like a fart in the wind. What makes this place great is we have so many different walks of life all converging into a melting pot of big orange conversation. Your Larry is my skeeter. I guess what I mean is escape goat is the best poster on here.
Weren't you saying something about a law firm and your lawyer friend telling you he was drawing up the contract for Steele?

"even a blind mouse can find cheese once in their life."


"Book it".

...they don't mix too well. You are on record. Next time don't be so confident if you freely admit you aren't an insider.

I'm trying real hard not to bash you. Learn from your mistake and move on, but at this point, you are just digging deeper.

I will gladly eat crow if your original story holds up and Steele is announced.

As someone that's still kinda new on this site, I just hope when this is all over you'll make a thread listing the people we can put some faith into what they say. :)
Different strokes for different folks. I don't care who's who on here. I value EVERY persons opinion on here. Whether their schtick is getting people to laugh, clown on folks, give great info, or opinions, everyone has their place..& I respect each persons insight. That being said, I really dig what skeeter has to say. LV is my fav poster though, but he up and vanished like a fart in the wind. What makes this place great is we have so many different walks of life all converging into a melting pot of big orange conversation. Your Larry is my skeeter. I guess what I mean is Djcrenshaw is the best poster on here.

Weren't you saying something about a law firm and your lawyer friend telling you he was drawing up the contract for Steele?

"even a blind mouse can find cheese once in their life."


"Book it".

...they don't mix too well. You are on record. Next time don't be so confident if you freely admit you aren't an insider.

I'm trying real hard not to bash you. Learn from your mistake and move on, but at this point, you are just digging deeper.

I will gladly eat crow if your original story holds up and Steele is announced.

bash away

whatever makes you feel better

its all cool

but i did say i the very begining that i am no insider but was told by a friend there was a contract being layed out. it was a fluke i ever even found this out which i also clrearly stated. i also clearly stated i would never again have info as this was such a fluke. it's all there in writing.

i also said even if i'm right i gain no e cred because i am not an insider.

i was just trying to pass on something i had learned.

but eh so is life .... so bash away.
bash away

whatever makes you feel better

its all cool

but i did say i the very begining that i am no insider but was told by a friend there was a contract being layed out. it was a fluke i ever even found this out which i also clrearly stated. i also clearly stated i would never again have info as this was such a fluke. it's all there in writing.

i also said even if i'm right i gain no e cred because i am not an insider.

i was just trying to pass on something i had learned.

but eh so is life .... so bash away.

This is the part where you buy us a beer.
i did but was mugged on the way out by some guy named stopit28 and if you cant tell he drank the whole keg.
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If someone really is told information by an attorney about a hiring contract that's still under negotiation, that info should be held at arm's length with tongs and hazmat gloves.

If it's legit info, it should never have been divulged (how would you like to find that your attorney was chatting with other friends in a restaurant about how you asked him about divorce laws in Tennessee, for instance?), and if it wasn't legit, then the attorney is just another blowhard, wanting to sound important.

Either way, I'd think long and hard about keeping him as my attorney. And I sure wouldn't want to pass on the info.
They can only report what they are told.

SBV, is this a done deal for sure with RS as DC, or are the details still being worked on and something that may cause a problem? Just don't want to get excited for no reason...kind of like when you were a kid and expected to get this big gift you wanted for Christmas, but never got it. Also, one more question...DocVol made a comment in a thread somewhere that said, "now it aaaaalllll makes sense...Boom!" Shannon "is excited about the future of the Vols." (DocVol correct me if I am wrong.) My question pertains to the comment about it all making sense with "all" seeming to be emphasized. Is there a chance that Steele is getting fired from Clemson, and Dooley/Shannon have asked him to come to UT as a position coach (maybe secondary coach)? Shannon brings Barrow as LB coach, Lance stays as DL coach (I am sure that Dooley wants him retained on the staff), TJ moves to ST/TE coach, and Steele as secondary coach. I know that is a major demotion for Steele, but after that debacle Wednesday night, he may be glad to have a job somewhere, especially his alma mater. I am only thinking out loud, because Doc seemed to have a reason to make the comment he made (I am NO insider). I was thinking that was the reason there were so many conflicting reports from our insiders over Steele and Shannon. Maybe we were in negotiations with both of them, but only one of them as DC. Board don't blast me over this, as I am completely just thinking out loud about this comment from Doc (I have an inquisitive mind).
I am listening to Armando Salguero's radio show online. He just had NFL insider Danny Moore on the show. Moore said that he expects UT to announce that Shannon is the DC.
Jeff on sports animal said shannon to ark at 845 central time. Was in response to a caller. Are they really that uninformed?
SBV, is this a done deal for sure with RS as DC, or are the details still being worked on and something that may cause a problem? Just don't want to get excited for no reason...kind of like when you were a kid and expected to get this big gift you wanted for Christmas, but never got it. Also, one more question...DocVol made a comment in a thread somewhere that said, "now it aaaaalllll makes sense...Boom!" Shannon "is excited about the future of the Vols." (DocVol correct me if I am wrong.) My question pertains to the comment about it all making sense with "all" seeming to be emphasized. Is there a chance that Steele is getting fired from Clemson, and Dooley/Shannon have asked him to come to UT as a position coach (maybe secondary coach)? Shannon brings Barrow as LB coach, Lance stays as DL coach (I am sure that Dooley wants him retained on the staff), TJ moves to ST/TE coach, and Steele as secondary coach. I know that is a major demotion for Steele, but after that debacle Wednesday night, he may be glad to have a job somewhere, especially his alma mater. I am only thinking out loud, because Doc seemed to have a reason to make the comment he made (I am NO insider). I was thinking that was the reason there were so many conflicting reports from our insiders over Steele and Shannon. Maybe we were in negotiations with both of them, but only one of them as DC. Board don't blast me over this, as I am completely just thinking out loud about this comment from Doc (I have an inquisitive mind).

You're reading way too much into it. Easy to do, I know. But Steele is not going to be part of the staff.

My comment was essentially confirming the info I reported days ago.

It will be "official" today or Monday. But for all intents and purposes, it's been official since I posted the info I was given.
I think its the asst coach issue that has delayed things somewhat. When there is an official announcement, I expect us to meet all three of our new coaches.
please quit listening to knoxville sports radio. :hi:

believe me i know it sucks.. but i figured theyd at least talk about the dc situation.. after their show .. griffith and adams talked bb for an hour.. just got around to shannon and they're bashing him.

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