DC Prediction and Sources Thread

what reliable resources. All these with inside sources on vn claim its a done deal. Listen to 104.5 and not hubbs but the other dude from vq says he hasnt been contacted. Not saying people on here dont have inside info but come on. Who do you believe.

Hubbs has even said he's been contacted. All Vol..
what reliable resources. All these with inside sources on vn claim its a done deal. Listen to 104.5 and not hubbs but the other dude from vq says he hasnt been contacted. Not saying people on here dont have inside info but come on. Who do you believe.

Brice has no clue what he's talking about. Hubbs has been hesitant but he always is.
SIAP but Alan Posey is hearing Shannon as well at around 8pm CT on Twitter


Great thread by the way rjd thanks for the hard work

Will wait for the official announcement, hopefully soon. Then will give a grade sheet on whose sources seemed to be accurate.

I started this thread so I could call out all the rumor mongers, but honestly now, I'm not going to call out anybody and throw stones. I fully expect that when it all falls out in the end a number of people could have been right and things changed. This never seemed really clear from the beginning. If anything, those with insider sources may better know what questions to ask next time and how to state predictions based on the strength of said sources. At least I hope so.

Will wait for the official announcement, hopefully soon. Then will give a grade sheet on whose sources seemed to be accurate.

I started this thread so I could call out all the rumor mongers, but honestly now, I'm not going to call out anybody and throw stones. I fully expect that when it all falls out in the end a number of people could have been right and things changed. This never seemed really clear from the beginning. If anything, those with insider sources may better know what questions to ask next time and how to state predictions based on the strength of said sources. At least I hope so.

IMO that Clemson D belly flop was a game changer. Very possible we could have had Steele. Very wise they were negotiating 2 angles at the same time. I think it worked out well for us.
Yeah. I just fully went through the OP again, there are several people who got it right and wrong (if it is indeed Shannon) that I would still want to post their info.

Conversely, there are several people who got it right that I think were flat lucky and don't have squat for sources.

Will wait for the official announcement, hopefully soon. Then will give a grade sheet on whose sources seemed to be accurate.

I started this thread so I could call out all the rumor mongers, but honestly now, I'm not going to call out anybody and throw stones. I fully expect that when it all falls out in the end a number of people could have been right and things changed. This never seemed really clear from the beginning. If anything, those with insider sources may better know what questions to ask next time and how to state predictions based on the strength of said sources. At least I hope so.

This is a reasonable POV. I think it's important to note that, regardless who is hired, there were undoubtedly multiple truths at many different points time.

Thanks for your work here. :salute:
IMO that Clemson D belly flop was a game changer. Very possible we could have had Steele. Very wise they were negotiating 2 angles at the same time. I think it worked out well for us.

This search was conducted very well from both Hart and Dooley.
You realize that most of us who said Steele is th guy have now said it's not gonna be Steele and since no one has been picked yet and we have stated this pre-decision it should be mentioned one the main OP.
I mean last I checked larry, skeeter, oci, and myself all had different people saying the deal was in the works but as of this morning we all have said something changed and its not.
You realize that most of us who said Steele is th guy have now said it's not gonna be Steele and since no one has been picked yet and we have stated this pre-decision it should be mentioned one the main OP.

You said "Book it" about Steele.

Maybe next time you will hold off.
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This search was conducted very well from both Hart and Dooley.

It honestly reads like it from the baseline of the believable rumors. Clemson's performance last night likely cost us some additional coins if I had to guess.
FWIW, the players say they have not heard anything official, they're only going on rumors. So anything saying the players have been notified is either wrong or they've been told to keep it quiet and have done a very good job

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