
The key to this movie will be if it can pull in non Deadpool, fans of action movies. It seems with comic fans they either love or hate Deadpool. Most people probably have no clue who Deadpool even is. But they probably didn't know Blade was a comic character either, and it did alright for itself.
The key to this movie will be if it can pull in non Deadpool, fans of action movies. It seems with comic fans they either love or hate Deadpool. Most people probably have no clue who Deadpool even is. But they probably didn't know Blade was a comic character either, and it did alright for itself.

I think it will draw the same crowd of people that liked Wanted or Kick Ass. It will be a moderate success and probably meet studio expectations at worst.
I think it will draw the same crowd of people that liked Wanted or Kick Ass. It will be a moderate success and probably meet studio expectations at worst.

Wanted made almost 350 million on a 75 million budget. Kickass only made 96 million on a 30 million budget. For compariosn, Green Lantern had 200 million budget and pulled in 219 million.

Ryan Reynolds has openly said this movie has a low budget, especially for a superhero movie. My guess is it will have around 50ish million. And I easily could see it pull in $200 million. And I think it will do exceedingly well in the dvd/streaming world as well once it hits that area.
I think it will draw the same crowd of people that liked Wanted or Kick Ass. It will be a moderate success and probably meet studio expectations at worst.

FWIW I hated both of those. Super >>>Kick Ass. I could see that being the case. It could pull in the blow it up, shoot em up crowd too. Honestly I could see it bombing in the box office, and I could see it being a surprise too.
Wanted made almost 350 million on a 75 million budget. Kickass only made 96 million on a 30 million budget. For compariosn, Green Lantern had 200 million budget and pulled in 219 million.

Ryan Reynolds has openly said this movie has a low budget, especially for a superhero movie. My guess is it will have around 50ish million. And I easily could see it pull in $200 million. And I think it will do exceedingly well in the dvd/streaming world as well once it hits that area.
There is no way this cracks the $200 Mil! If it did 200 Mil. it would come in at #10 in this years grossing films just ahead of Spectre, MI:Rogue Nation, Pitch Perfect 2 & Ant-Man all of which hasn't top the $200Mil mark!
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There is no way this cracks the $200 Mil! If it did 200 Mil. it would come in at #10 in this years grossing films just ahead of Spectre, MI:Rogue Nation, Pitch Perfect 2 & Ant-Man all of which hasn't top the $200Mil mark!

So did you all of a sudden lose interest in the movie because you think it will bomb in the box office?
So did you all of a sudden lose interest in the movie because you think it will bomb in the box office?

No, I lost interest because the red band trailers make it look like crap! I have no problem with graphic language or sex/violence in films as my 650+ and counting Blu-ray collection will attest but this looks bad!

Nothing more than bathroom humor, lewd jokes!
No, I lost interest because the red band trailers make it look like crap! I have no problem with graphic language or sex/violence in films as my 650+ and counting Blu-ray collection will attest but this looks bad!

Nothing more than bathroom humor, lewd jokes!

Sooo...for being like Deadpool? Lol
I love how most people don't understand that Deadpool is a old perv with dick jokes for days .
I love how most people don't understand that Deadpool is a old perv with dick jokes for days .

Yeah I think a lot of people thought, "hey another Super Hero movie!" Then saw the newest Red Band trailer and were thrown off by it. He actually says it the new trailer, "Surprise this is a different kind of super hero story."
Deadpool is by far the most interesting comic superhero out there. I'm glad they stuck to his character and didn't tame him.
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Shhh that never happened. Lol Seriously they should do a scene showing that clip, then Deadpool waking up, looking and the camera and asking us, "what the **** was that?"

There was a great teaser released a long time ago that addressed it. Deadpool is talking to the audience and says something to the degree of "The last time you saw Deadpool Marvel sewed his mouth shut for some ******* reason."
There was a great teaser released a long time ago that addressed it. Deadpool is talking to the audience and says something to the degree of "The last time you saw Deadpool Marvel sewed his mouth shut for some ******* reason."

If was "From the studio that inexplicably sewed his f---king mouth shut the first time..."

(It was Fox's decision btw.)
The previews make this movie look so, so stupid.

It's supposed to be ridiculous.

In the same way that the character's supposed to be so over the top crazy that he actually manages to be aware that he's just part of a comic book.

That's what I thought reading that.

We're talking about a guy who teamed up with Thanos to rescue the physical embodiment of Death because both of them are madly in love with her (and she is with Deadpool) and then, in fighting the cosmic entity that kidnapped her, he becomes empowered to the point he can kill gods with a punch, down to a new spiffy suit and everything. The entity sees the error of his ways finally and says he will grant Deadpool a wish to make up for it and he responds with "Royalties on the action figures of this new costume I'm wearing."
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Call in the producers from Malcolm in the Middle. They pulled it off well enough in a comedy setting constantly, even if it was mostly internal monologue.

I know the movie is already made, but I'd just love to see Jane Kaczmarek in a movie like this. She destroyed it in her guest spot on Wilfred.

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