Searching for advice on this. Bought a car a couple of months ago and the wife was taking it to a closer dealership for it's very first oil change. On the way there, my wife noticed a slight miss when it was at idle and wanted to know if they could check it out. They decided to take it on a test run to find the issue and the mechanic wrecked the car in their own parking lot against a trailer of some kind. Not sure the details, but my car is scraped all the way down the side and gashed the wheel (not tire though). The scrape is deep enough that will require all parts to be replaced and one door is dented in.
The dealership has accepted responsibility but has only offered to fix the car. My problem is that I will now own a brand new car with a bad title that has certainly devalued my car by thousands even when fixed. I have called on several occasions to talk to the GM or owner but the best they can offer me is the service manager, who cannot get me anything approved over what they have already offered which I HAVE NOT ACCEPTED. They said the GM wouldn't be in until Friday and they never see the owner.
I guess my question is, what kind of advice would you give me?