Defending Meyers Pass/Option Offense



Senior Member
Oct 25, 2004
I havent seen too much of Meyers offense but I know it has put lots of points on the board and utilizes a pass-happy option threat. I'm not sure I have seen TN defend an offense like this. Have we played anyone in recent history with a comparable offense or are we going to be defending something we have never seen before. How do you think we will match up?
From what I have seen his offense relies on a couple of things.

1. QB that can throw on the run and run pretty well - leak doesn't really do exceptionally well in either of these areas. While he is athletic he doesn't have blazing speed and when he gets flushed he tends to loose his accuracy.

2. LBvsWR mismatches - this offense preys on slow or poor pass defending linebackers. Well we definately have speed at LB what about pass coverage?

3. The option - the only time I can remember (recent history) us defending the option was against nebraska and they ground us to a fine pulp by the end of that game. The hard part of the option is that no one really plays it much anymore so the players don't have the experience of defending against it.

Overall I think the speed at LB and the quickness of our corners will slow Meyer's offense enough to allow penetration upfront - thus throwinng Leak off enought to make some poor decisions. Now if UF had DJ Shockley as a QB I would be very worried...that is an athletic QB and he would make that system shine.

Just my 2 cents.
My thoughts would be we'll need:

1) Quick D-line that can move laterally but also get into the backfield quickly.

2) Linebackers that can cover well.

3) A secondary that doesn't let receivers get behind them.

Overall, I think you have to keep it all in front of you. You may get dinked and dunked to death but a passing game is prone to mistakes. Utah was a quick score offense - we need to make them grind it out even if that means giving up some short passes.
You can't let the quarterback have the option. You throw someone at him and make him commit and then, SMASH, you bury him or the running back. Chavis will have the guys ready, count on it!
Quick LB's and a solid group upfront take away a lot of Meyers offense
Yep, having smart, athletic LB's is the first step in defending that offense. Hopefully the DL will make it easier on everyone.
Ok, why could Chavis not go to that defense with the DL moving? I really like that set(I know there is a name for it I just forget what it is). I think with the OL not knowing where the DL will be at the snap works in the Defense's favor. I also think with Omar Gaither shadowing Leak will work in the Vols favor seeing Gaither is as quick or quicker than Leak is. And in that offense (option) I don't see Wynn being a Great speed back so trying to get outside on an option will be tough VS Tenn.

We should be able to handle Meyer's offense. And Chris Leak is not that bad of a QB. He didn't rack up 3200 passing yards and 29 TD's but sucking last season. This season, we see a true test of his mobility.

Either way, the Meyer offense also will rely on the ability of the receivers, and other than Andre Caldwell, I don't think Florida's WR squad is looking spectacular.

Anyways, here is how I think the game goes: Tennessee's defense handles Florida moderately, except the Gators still have the ability to pull off the occasional big play keeping them in it. The Vols end up having to rely more on their offense than desired in order to stay on top. The score looks something like:

TENN - 35
FLA - 31
Well, TN has always been known for speed on defense and it didn't help us much with Nebraska...throw in a competent passing game, in the swamp, 90,000 crazed Meyer Disciples in 90 degrees, could be ugly if they score early and then keep our offense off the field with long drives of dinking, dunking, and squirting out with an you know with all the hype that they may want it more than we the way, of all the teams that played Utah last year, who did the best defending against them?
Arizona. The Wildcats held Utah to 23 points and 326 yards. Utah averaged 45 points per game and 500 yards per game last season.
What did Arizona do to slow them down or was the offense just having a less than stellar day?
Arizona had longer possession, Utah focused a little more on running to get them down the field, and Alex Smith had his 3rd worst performance of 2004 going 12/22 with 2 TD's and no INT's.
Nothing there really for TN to look at huh?..I guess keeping them off the field helps..maybe a grind-it-out-time-eating ground game?
What little I've seen of Urban Meyer's offense reminds me of what Jim Donnan ran at Georgia with Quincy Carter with a little more option thrown in. It was successful at times, but it never really worked too well against us. It's also kind of like what they used to run at Syracuse.
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Jun 22, 2005 2:42 PM
Nothing there really for TN to look at huh?..I guess keeping them off the field helps..maybe a grind-it-out-time-eating ground game?

Well, that's how Tennessee plays most of the time...
We'll have the week off after Bamma-B, to get a good look at what to expect.
Im not up to speed on their OL, but know our DL is 1 of the best.

Our LB's are all great pass defenders, and very quick!
Its common, for alot of option plays to drag out and develop.
The UT defense should be able to cause enough problems, and make Leak try and think on the run to much. QB's dont want to be caught holding the ball this yr! STUPID HURTS. :gun:
I believe from the experienced backfield, LB'S that seek attention from a football or the will to smash you holding it. And our D-line...FLA will base their offense on what they do against us early. Wouldnt make me mad if they have to come out the second half and run between the tackles.
I'm not so sure that Meyer will exclusively run the same offense he had at Utah. I would think he would mix it up to play to the strengths of his tallent and the competition he will be facing in the SEC. Am I wrong or is it not practical to have some sets that have Leak drop back and play his game. I just don't trust Meyer to be so obvious about his offense. I bet he's already puting together some plays that will take advantage of over pursuing quick linebackers in the SEC..I'm sure he reads the papers too.
Good point. One thing almost all of us have assued is that he will run the same style offense he had at Utah.
Why wouldn't he? It's been his offense everywhere he's been.

And about the option and Nebraska: Nebraska ran smashmouth option, this is a finesse based option. Both can be dangerous if not defended well, but we stand a better chance against the finesse option.

To shut that offense down, I think back to one of Al Davis's maxims:

"The quaterback must go down, and he must go down hard."
He's also gotta be aware of the upped level of defensive play in the SEC... I seriously doubt he'll go in and try to run wild with an option offense, at least not on teams like us or LSU.
Hey, old habits die hard. The man will probably try what he is most familiar with until it fails.

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