Defending Meyers Pass/Option Offense

Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Jun 28, 2005 2:18 PM
I predict the fall of Urban Meyer will be the top story in the SEC

I just think that in the near term, Florida has so much talent that Urban Meyer or even Oscar Meyer could win 8 games there.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jun 28, 2005 1:23 PM
MY spin?? This thread is about Florida's option offense, you're the one that brought up Utah.

Let's see; if I'm not mistaken, the guy who's going to be calling the shots for Florida's offense, was the head coach at UTAH last season.

I kinda think some folks might see the connection there. :laugh1:
Originally posted by GAVol@Jun 28, 2005 11:00 AM
Maybe so, but you also have to consider that the Gator defense had to be on the field so much in the 4th quarter because Florida flat out could not run the ball to get the tough yards to close out a game last year.

All I'm saying is don't tell me that Urban Meyer is better than ANYBODY defensively when he's coming off a year where teams like Air Force, Colorado State, UNLV etc. etc. put up 28+ points against him.

Utah allowed 19.5 points and 343 yards per game last season... Respectable numbers, but the one thing you have to keep in mind when discussing the 2004 Utes is that the talent is relative to the rest of the Mountain West. Their players are in the same league as all the other teams there. Utah ranked 2nd in the Mountain West for overall defense. So, they had an alright defense.

And besides, Kentucky and Vanderbilt scored 64 total points on us last year. I don't hear anybody around here saying our defense was terrible.
Originally posted by OldVol@Jun 28, 2005 11:30 AM
Let's see; if I'm not mistaken, the guy who's going to be calling the shots for Florida's offense, was the head coach at UTAH last season.

I kinda think some folks might see the connection there.  :laugh1:

I meant to say that you brought up Utah's bowl bid, which has some common factors with, but is still quite unrelated to, how Florida will perform this season.
I see your point Gavol but does he have the right kind of tallent for his offense. I mean you don't take star sprinters and make them run in marathons. I just believe that this year the facade will be worn off of the Oscar Meyer Fakefurther offense and the SEC will grill thier dogs like pound puppies, with TN being the Grill Master....mmmm,..Girthy!
"And besides, Kentucky and Vanderbilt scored 64 total points on us last year. I don't hear anybody around here saying our defense was terrible."

That's what makes the SEC the greatest conference in the nation, even the bottom feeders bring their A+ game to the table for rivalry games, and before you say it what rivalry? Well ages ago Neyland was hired to beat Vandy (they used to dominate us) and there is no love lost between old school Vol fans and the comode doors and we have been playing KY for the beer barrel for how many yrs now? and it would make Ky's football decade to bring it home.
Not to be a stick in the mud, but they retired the Beer Barrel[political correctness you know]. But that doesn't mean they want to kick our butt any less...
Originally posted by milohimself@Jun 28, 2005 1:35 PM
I meant to say that you brought up Utah's bowl bid, which has some common factors with, but is still quite unrelated to, how Florida will perform this season.

I totally disagree.

The entire euphoria that surrounds the 2005 Gator team is in direct relation to what Meyer accomplished at the mid-major schools BG and Utah. To say, “Discussing Utah, their bowl bid, or any other accomplishment, or lack there of,” has no relevance to what Florida might do this year, is blatantly absurd. At this point, with no one having played a single down, it is literally impossible to discuss, and separate, what Utah did from what Florida might do. It is, in fact of point, the only criteria we might have to predict what Florida might do, aside from evaluating their talent. And that too, should be compared to the conversation in regards to Utah or BG.

If you try to draw those parameters and declare, "Off limits," when certain aspects of Florida 05 are being discussed, then you may as well delete the thread.

It's just silly to try to limit the direction a discussion can take in this or any thread. In my opinion, declaring a point of view off topic is usually the first indication that you have nothing more worthwhile to bring to the table in the discussion, so it is an attempt to narrow the parameters in an unfair manner. It's like trying to cut your losses without admitting that's what you're doing.

It is, after all, a discussion board.

Declaring people off topic in a discussion board is like labeling half the items on a buffet off limits. You may have the right to do it, but someone’s going to reach past the sign and get those sweet potatoes every time. Simply because they have that right too.
Originally posted by OldVol@Jun 28, 2005 3:20 PM
someone’s going to reach past the sign and get those sweet potatoes every time.

What in the heck are you talking about??? :laugh1:
Easy oldvol, your arguing with a 17 year old althogh I really think Milo is 40 pretending to be 17...but your right Utah is the only reason Urb is in Florida today...and two years from now Florida will be the only reason he will be a receivers coach for Zook.
Originally posted by GAVol@Jun 28, 2005 2:24 PM
What in the heck are you talking about???  :laugh1:

I'm talkin' 'bout, "If you stick those things on the table, don't tell me I can't have some."

Trying to limit conversation by declaring, "Oh, you're off topic," is the tactic of the defeated.

Now, pass the sweet potatoes. :p
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Jun 28, 2005 2:30 PM
Easy oldvol, your arguing with a 17 year old althogh I really think Milo is 40 pretending to be 17...but your right Utah is the only reason Urb is in Florida today...and two years from now Florida will be the only reason he will be a receivers coach for Zook.

In that case, hopefully he'll consider it fatherly advice. :D
Originally posted by GAVol@Jun 28, 2005 3:23 PM
I understand.

By the way . . . you're off topic. :D

But I'm enjoying the sweet potatoes. :blink:
somebody pass me the sweet taters! wait a minute what were we talking about?
Originally posted by volmanjr@Jun 28, 2005 3:56 PM
somebody pass me the sweet taters! wait a minute what were we talking about?

Yeah, get back on topic.

What was that?
I really think the key to beating Urban and the gators is to keep the ball on the ground and eat the clock with Riggs. This will keep the fabled Urban offense off the field.
Again, I say, "The quarterback must go down, and he must go down hard."

Give Leak time and he'll burn our secondary and/or find the mismatch of the WR guarded by a LB. If we beat up Leak, we win easy. If we can't get to him or if we're a step too late, we'll get burned.

Another thing to remember is that if for some ungodly reason we cannot grind the clock to wear down their defense and we get into a track meet with them, our defense will be more succeptable to giving up the big play.

So, in addition smearing Leak, we gotta pound the ball at them too. But since that's what a lot of our game plan is anyway against everybody, that probably goes without saying.

I just really, really want Leak to take a beating. Being CUM and the new offense's first big time SEC game and all.
Originally posted by JohnsonCityVol@Jun 29, 2005 9:33 PM
Again, I say, "The quarterback must go down, and he must go down hard."

Give Leak time and he'll burn our secondary and/or find the mismatch of the WR guarded by a LB. If we beat up Leak, we win easy. If we can't get to him or if we're a step too late, we'll get burned.

Another thing to remember is that if for some ungodly reason we cannot grind the clock to wear down their defense and we get into a track meet with them, our defense will be more succeptable to giving up the big play.

So, in addition smearing Leak, we gotta pound the ball at them too. But since that's what a lot of our game plan is anyway against everybody, that probably goes without saying.

I just really, really want Leak to take a beating. Being CUM and the new offense's first big time SEC game and all.

The only hiccup here is; for Meyer's offense to work, Leak has to perform not only as a pro-style QB, which he is, but also as an option QB, which the kid ain't.

If you're talking about Leak sitting in the pocket and looking on and off receivers, then you're not talking about a Meyer offense.

If this is their plan, they may as well have Zook.
Good point oldvol but what do you say are the odds that Urb installs his new offense in sections and plays to the strengths of his tallent by keeping some of the old pro style offense. Everyone expects the Flaming Fruit Flipp'in FL-Ute offense but do we know for sure he's going jump into it all the way. I would be leary of thier game planning against UT because they may not be piccalo players yet.

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