We, as Tennessee fans need to demand championships out of this program. The support, the money, the facilities, and the tradition are all there for us to win championships.
However, the 7 win bug has bitten this fanbase lately. If we ever want championships we need to demand them.
Is Butch Jones better than what we had? Absolutely, but that in itself doesn't make him Tennessee caliber.
Is Butch Jones championship caliber? I don't know, but if he isn't, he doesn't need to be the coach here.
Just my two cents. I want to win.
The underlying premise of the term 'fan' is the desire for the organization of focus (team) to win. But, the end product of an institution of higher learning is to produce citizens of value to society. We shouldn't lose focus on what is actually important: this fanbase has so done that. This fanbase has forgotten how to have fun with this. The sky is NOT fricken falling! I for one am prepared to be patient and allow a process of building that will produce a quality production. Something sustainable with a decent foundation and not keep us on pins and needles wondering when the ncaa hammer will fall! We are getting accostomed to throwing out the baby with the bath water and then wondering where the joy is anymore. It is STUPID!